The purpose of this page is to give you some quick pointers about how to get the most out of this site.
- If you miss a class (in a lecture-based class). Watch the videos related to the topic that was discussed that day (and of course write down your questions and do the homework problems). To find out what you missed, ask a fellow student or consult the syllabus.
- To prepare for class (in a lecture-based or flipped classroom). Repeated exposure is necessary for learning. Watch the videos for the topic that will be covered in class that day before going to class, writing down your questions as you go. During class, follow the lecture and ask your questions where appropriate, or in a flipped class, ask you questions either of your group during class or of the professor at the start of class.
- To review for an exam. Look at the annotations to see which problem types you are struggling with the most. Don’t waste time re-watching videos on topics you have already mastered: if you can correctly do the problems, watch something else.
If you ever feel like you’re working hard and still not getting the results you want, please read these Notes for Students.