Author Archives: Suman Ganguli

Video Examples: Integer Exponents

It seems like the trickiest questions involving integer exponents that we’ve encountered so far are the more complicated ones involving negative exponents (e.g., the last questions on the “Integer Exponents” WebWork set).

This short video may help:


This video was created by a math instructor named “PatrickJMT“–his website has over 1000 such short math videos that he has created (all of them are also on his YouTube channel).

For example, if you’d like to review more basic examples involving exponents, he has an entire sequence of videos, starting with the basics of exponents:



…and going on to a number of additional examples–click through to the following links on his site to explore his videos on exponents:




Welcome to MAT1275!

Welcome to MAT1275 (section D500)!  Revisit this post soon for further info on how to get started with the course!

Important links: