Hi, my name is Mark Zhang, and I was born and still live in Brooklyn. My love for drawing started when I was in elementary school, starting from drawing from images of things I’ve liked, but stopped until late into middle school, and then repeated the process until my 4th year in college. My first major in college was Computer Science. Wasn’t a fun major to be honest, but I put up with it until I got my associates degree in it. It was then that as I was in work-study that I’ve heard and seen many people, both students and employees that I decided to see what Communication design was all about.
Ever since I changed my major to Communication Design, I feel as if going to college has become more fun to be at unlike the tedious studying and work that had to be done in Computer Science. I love how the professors for the art design courses all make the students engage in class discussions in a way where we all really start to know each other, both professors and students. Whenever I finish any assignment from physical hands-on activities like drawing all the way to computer work like illustrator, I feel proud of myself being able to do things, even if bad, that I’ve would have never thought.