Coursework and Competencies

HUS 3602: Alcohol/Substance Abuse Treatment This course prepared me to learn the reasons why and how individuals may become addicted to substances, and how it is a disease that requires medical treatment.  In addition, I learned about the various types of treatment available and the different approaches counselors use in treatment.  This class was effective in helping me gain a deeper understanding of alcohol and drug abuse and how it affects not only the individual with the addiction, but also their families and communities.  As an assignment we had to attend an AA/NA meeting and write a paper about our experience.  This was something I enjoyed doing because at these meetings there is such a sense of support and unity that is rarely seen elsewhere. The member’s stories and journeys are so inspirational.  I remember being so moved by the guest speaker’s story that night. 

Something I still need to work on is my interviewing skills. In role playing I tend to bombard “clients” with question after question, instead of incorporating some of the other microskills.

HUS 1202: Community Mental Health  

This was the course that first taught me about motivational interviewing and how as human service workers, it’s important to meet the clients where they’re at, which is the approach used in harm reduction.  This is where I first heard about harm reduction and it became something of interest to me since this is closely tied in with substance abuse.  This course didn’t teach me interviewing skills and role play, but it did push me in the direction of substance abuse.  Mental health and substance abuse often go hand in hand because the majority of those suffering from addiction also have a mental health diagnosis.

PSY 1101: Introduction to Psychology  

Although I did not take this course at City Tech, this was the course that started it all for me.  This is where I discovered my passion for psychology and needed a career or major built around it.  Psychology is the groundwork or the basis for working with humans.  It helps you to understand why people do what they do.  Here is where I was introduced to Sigmund Freud, Erikson, Pavlov and Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs which is always at the forefront of my brain.  Having an understanding of psychology and abnormal psychology, which I did take at City Tech, definitely aids in being able to work in the human service field. Â