Capstone Projects and Professional Activities

  • My bachelors level internship took place at Brooklyn Community Services in Brooklyn.  In the the first semester I worked within the Lifelong Enrichment Program which is a day program for intellectually disabled adults over the age of 50.  This program helps clients work toward achieving interpersonal and social skills, while also assisting them in becoming an integral part of the community.  I assisted and lead groups focused on topics related to interpersonal and social skills, to get clients to interact and role play with one another.
  • In the second semester of interning at BCS, I was placed in the Medicaid Service Coordination department working with the intellectually disabled population ages 21 and up.  Here I helped coordinate services for clients who needed assistance with applying for entitlements they may be eligible for, and coordinate services that will aid in allowing clients to live a fulfilling lifestyle.  Some of these services include supported employment, community and day habilitation programs, pre-vocational services, and respite and residential services.
  • Active volunteer with New York Cares since September 2016