Wrestling Outline

Marijo Alves

September 15,2014

Session D309

Assignment – Outline




  1. INTRO
  2. I can do anything a man can do… If not better.
  3. For me wrestling involved choosing the sport, the stigma associated and the outlet provided.
  4. SUBTOPIC – I chose to be on the boys wrestling team because I am an aggressive woman.  There is a lot of things I feel women are capable of doing but is always being put down.  Men build a lot of things off there ego, but like I did I put a lot of time and effort into wrestling and just like boxing it became natural.
  5. SUBTOPIC – The stigma associated with wrestling is a got teased by the boys on the opposing team they would laugh and say things like I was an easy thirty seconds. That alone pushed me to work harder.
  6. SUBTOPIC – Wrestling was a way for me to control my anger issues.  Boxing never helped but wrestling helped we learned to convert our anger to energy.
  • BODY



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