student survey

Marijo Alves

August 30, 2014

English 1101 D309

Student Survey

  1.   Where were you born?

I was born in Brooklyn New York.  My mother told me the name and location of the hospital I was born in but I never cared to listen. All I remember from that was her saying the hospital no longer exist; that didn’t matter to me because my history in Brooklyn ended after I was born anyway.

  1.   Where do you live now?

I currently live in the Bronx with my mom, sometimes I would even come out to the strange borough called Brooklyn to stay with my aunt.

  1.   How did you end up getting from Brooklyn to the Bronx?

I never knew exactly how I left Brooklyn but I do know it wasn’t an easy journey. It took me a while before my family and I made it to the Bronx we moved from borough to borough until we found a place where we can call home. I went from Brooklyn to Queens to Manhattan, it wasn’t until the Tracey towers fell, and that is when my family and I ended up in the Bronx. I wasn’t use to living in buildings a house in Queens was all I really remembered. From that point on the Bronx was where I grew up.  This is where I learned Life. I was forced to learn streets smart  I didn’t just live anywhere, I lived in the projects, the ghetto.

  1.   What is your favorite food?

I do not have a favorite food or dish.  I simply just love food though I do not prefer meat.  I use to be a vegetarian but that came with its complications. We wasn’t a rich family, I never had a chance to have a favorite food I ate what we could afford and what was given to me.  My mother always said what I cook is what you eat or you don’t eat at all.

  1.   What is your favorite music

I don’t have a specific favorite song or genre I listen to pretty much anything that sounds good to my ears. I really like music I can relate to, it doesn’t matter if its rock, bachata, reggae, gospel, Hip hops, R&B, Pop etc.  As long as it sounds good to me I’ll listen to it.

  1.   What is your background in English/reading experience?

My background in English is pretty straight forward.  I like to read. I prefer books over television any day.  While others find it painstakingly to read I find reading amusing.  My mind is so diverse it creates an interesting storyline  in my head every time I read something, and when the story is interesting my mind goes above and beyond its ability. Reading to me opens up so many doors. It’s almost like it my prodigy. All my tribulations disappear and I suddenly feel sane when I read a book.

Writing is another prodigy I have.  It comes natural its natural talent.  I love to write.  My mind is diverse my pain sorrow everything I feel goes onto the paper given to characters I live with in my mind, who seem to be with me every day.  When the pen touches the paper for me it’s not me making up a story it’s me telling one. The one place where that’s never a problem or where no one looks at you like your crazy is in English classes. There’s no right or wrong answer because no one can tell you what to think.  I feel very strong towards English classes and reading its where you can be yourself without any disconcerting feelings.

  1.   What are your goals for this class? This year? Your education? And your life?

My goals for my class is very simple, pass with an A.  My goals for the year are to maintain a high GPA. My goals for my education is to further it, there is too much to learn there are too many opportunities thrown at people to just sit around and not take advantage. My goals for my life are to open up a family restaurant while I work the medical field.

My number one goal in life is to keep the fun in my life. I can’t bored myself to success, As much as I enjoy doing other things I still have a dream I would love to fulfil one day…WRESTLING.  I’ve been on the boys vacuity wrestling team wrestling boys I’ve watched WWE desperately wanting to entertain, Therefore it is my number one goal to keep the fun and happiness in my life it may seem small but its something to chase besides reality.

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