– Reporting Information Research essay – Draft #1

Marijo Alves

November 9,2014

Class: D309

Assignment: Research paper


Why do they cheat? Why does anyone need a paper to define their love? Society itself can change a person physically, mentally and emotionally.  If its not about the money or the cars and clothes its not about anything.  Props from friends boost up self-esteem , the more woman a person can have the better they look; only because people’s expectations are extremely high. Marriage why love when all that is needed is a signature to get all of the money someone owns.  Why get into a relationship when someone can easily be used as a starter to start a career. Society makes the material things looks so pretty that no ones purpose is to love anymore.

Relationships are not only sexual and intimate, children have relationships with their parents that can be horrible and seem life ending which creates an impact on how their future relationships turn out.  Why do most parents have such a hard time loving their children?  Some parents are unfit and blame their children for tragedies or for them not having any money or enough money, not being able to own cars or even maintain your own home can be very stressful and they would blame anyone but themselves.

Society shows the world their dream woman, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian so much and praise them.  Everyone is seeing this on billboards and on television.  Eventually a woman can no longer feel like she fit a certain criteria.  She may feel as if her partner no longer accept her for who she is because they don’t have a flat stomach, huge hips or those perfect lips.  That later brings insecurity then from there a separation.  Trust no longer exist and now not only does she have a different view on things but she might want to change herself physically.   On the other hand men may also begin to view things differently though they do not want to physically look like Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, or Kim Kardashian they may want a woman that looks like that just so she can be praised, but their insecurity level drops as well because now they are looking at men like Jay Z and Lil Wayne.  Sagging their pants and and having different types of tattoos or even trying to get into the music industry just because society makes it seem so beautiful.

The internet has ruined people and their relationships mentally. The internet which society has claimed to have been the best thing ever for the world is interfering into relationships and tearing them apart.  All different types of social media.  There was a survey stating “The think tank on Thursday published a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults about their views of how the Internet impacts their lives, which it conducted in January. When asked if the Internet has been good or bad for society, 15 percent of respondents said it was bad, 76 percent said it was good and 8 percent said it was both good and bad.”(Risen,Tom. U.S.NEWS).   The people are not going to blame their dear internet for they have become obsessed with the whole social media that they are blinded by the truth. “With the increase of smartphones in recent years many have all griped about the narcissism of people who spend all their time on social networks, text messaging at a dinner table or taking photos of the food they eat. There is talk about how social networks and new devices like the Google Glass visor have diluted privacy, to the point that Google published do’s and don’ts for using the visor as guidelines on how not to be “creepy or rude (aka, a ‘Glasshole’)” (Risen,Tom. U.S.NEWS).  People are so caught up in their phones they do not realize that they are less social with each other.  They would rather text on the phone or take pictures for instagram and snapchat rather than spend quality time with one another, and most people are alright with that.  Most people do not believe or even realize how rude it can be. Instead of finding a way to communicate with one another they would rather download an app on their phones on how to communicate more in a relationship.

Society has even ruined relationships emotionally.  Most people no longer care.  Most people do not get married for love purposes.  They get married to be able to have the materialistic things. The feelings are no longer there the words”I love you” are being tossed around in the air now like its nothing, Miners are getting involved in “relationships” because its “cool.” “Society makes material things look so beautiful that people don’t love no more, they look past all what love is, but fail to realize that a car cannot cuddle with you nor can it pick the dirt off your nails”(Gates, Kevin. Power 106 FM:  Interview:).  Material things cannot cuddle with you nor can they make you feel loved.  Those are they type of things people are fighting and hurting one another for.

“You can have a car but when you drive those couple of hundred miles you better have money for a gas tank, Thats the thing people don’t want the responsibility that comes with a car but society makes it look so pretty on tv and makes it seem so cool to have when it reality you need more than the car to maintain the car”(Gates, Kevin. Power 106 FM:  Interview:).  A lot of responsibility comes with having materialistic things such as a house and a car but people look on the outside of things because it looks beautiful.  Anybody can have all these things but when reality hits whos going to be their major support when those things get hard to maintain.   Some people who understands what its like to own those kind of things and still be lonley has taken the time out to speak to the world and try to open up some hearts and eyes.  “I would rather give up all what I have just to have that special someone because at the end of the day, all of those material things can never take away that lonesome feeling.” –  (Gates, Kevin. Power 106 FM:  Interview:).

When a person is ruined physically, mentally and emotionally it can lead to so many malfunctions in ones life.  Relationships that has been destroyed by society’s tunnel vision point of view has even turned out to be an abusive relationship.  “Sex, Love and Abuse intervenes in a timely way on some important issues that have become ’elephants in the room’ for academic and policy considerations around sexual violence and abuse.” (Hayes. “Sex, Love and Abuse”). An abusive relationship can be because of ones past if he or she was treated unfairly it has impacted the way they were going to treat anyone else.  Reasons why people can also be abusive is if they want something that is stressing them out like money or a car or house they can become very abusive because they wouldn’t know where to direct this frustration out on rather than their partner who cannot give it to them, someone is to blame.

Society itself can change a person physically, mentally and emotionally.  Most people want the cars, the money, the clothes, the props from friends, that perfect look or hair.  Most do not even see what’s going on because they are blinded by society’s most prized possessions the materialistic things.  When will people look passed the internet and see that texting during dinner isn’t worth the argument or the cars are just for show.  No one shows you the price of that gas tank you have to pay for in a couple of hundred miles away.  How can anyone be told their beautiful if you don’t give yourself a chance to be yourself and not Beyonce and Nicki Minaj or Kim Kardashian. Society has a huge impact on relationships and its in a negative way.  Whether that may be on purpose or even unintentionally it had an negative impact.  Will the people ever realize their so sudden physical, mental, or emotional change?


  • (Hayes, Sharon. Sex, Love and Abuse. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan 2014.
  • Gates, Kevin. Public Radio Interview Power 106 FM .  Aug 5, 2014


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