– Questions for essay from textbook, “NY was Our City on the Hill”

Marijo Alves

September 8,2014

English 1101 Section D309

New York was Our City on the Hill

  • Why was life so hard in America for  Danticat’s parents at first?  


Life was hard for Danticat’s parents because they were immigrants trying to make money for a better life, also working hard to get there children to come to America with them.  Life was so difficult they even had to leave their children behind.

  1.      Explain the “Faustian bargain” offered to the children. Do you think it was a fair offer?

Basically, Parents can stay with their kids but they would be missing all necessary things such as clothes food, school even as far as a future.  The parents could leave their children and obviously work hard for the things that were necessary.  This wasn’t fair because the kids needed there parents but needing them wasn’t an option.

  1. How did Uncle Joseph and the children differ in their views of America? What contributes to their respective point of view?

Uncle Joseph constantly reminded the children of how lucky they were that their parents were in America but if they dared to disagree the faustian bargain would be brought up again. Uncle Joseph is basically trying to say they have a chance to actually make a better life because their parents is in America.

  1.  What is the first lesson that Danticat learns about life in New York? Do you think this lesson is commonly shared by immigrants? is it fair?

Danticat learned that immigrants shared something, If they were poor they were likely to be working more hours than anyone else for less money and with few benefits.  This is definatly true because the immigrants work that hard for little because they need it .  This is not fair at all if immigrants come to our country for a better life the least that could be done it to help out a little bit more that just give them our scraps to live off of.

  1. Discuss the quote: “ It is the burden of each generation to embrace or reject the dreams set out by those who came before.”  What do children owe their parents when many sacrifices have been made?

Children owe their parents success, to become what they are working hard for. For example, Danticat’s parents wanted for her to become a doctor but she wasn’t interested in it they were DISAPPOINTED but they allowed it. Both Danticat and her brother Andre are financially stable.

  1. What is the difference between an immigrant and a “transnational”? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Which label do Danticat’s parents ultimately choose? why?  

The difference between immigrants and transnational is Transnational is someone with voting rights and living quarters not just in one country but two. An immigrant is people that migrate who does not have any voting privileges.. Danticat’s parents considered themselves as transnational.  They had a home both in America and Haiti and worked hard for everything they had and if they consider themselves as transnational they must have voting rights.

  1. How does Danticat’s fathers American experience worsen after 9/11? Why do you think this treatment of him occured?

Danticats fathers American experience worsened after 9/11 because like most New yorkers he had to worry about terrorism both becoming a victim and being blamed for it. He also worries about the high cost of things food housing etc.

  1. What is the connection of Uncle Joseph’s death to the beginning of the essay?

The connection was basically the children were lucky their parents was in American.  They got to be with their parents with better opportunities that they ever had.  They had less to worry about their Uncle was threatened and was fleeing from gang violence the same uncle the children were living with.

  1. Why do you think the past tense is used in the title of the essay?

Past tense was used in this essay because this all happened in Danicats past.  Currently she has to be okay due to the fact her parents worked hard for it to be that way.


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