– Questions for essay from textbook, “America and I”

Marijo alves

September 15, 2014

Section D309

Assignment America and I

1.What is Yezierska’s initial impression of America ? How does she’s compare it to her life in Russia?

Anzias initial impression of America was it was the land of living hope woven of dreams aflame with longing and desire. America is where dreams come to life and hope is not just in vain.

  1. WHAT does she aspire to do when she first arrives in America?  WHAT must she do first?

Anzia will do what her family in throat generations couldn’t or didn’t do. She wanted to work for love.  That is what she believed Americans did. She felt like she actually had a chance rather than she did in Russia.

  1. Do you think her Americanized family treats her fairly?  Why or why not?

Her Americanized family didn’t really mistreat her until it came down to her wages she worked very hard but was to never ask for wages which was not fair. She was working for how much they believed she was worth.

  1. What was the best part of her second job on Delancey street?  Why did she end up losing it?

The best part about her second job was she got evenings to herself time for she to think time to herself she even got her nights.  Even though she was making less she was satisfied. She lost her job because the “old witch ” her boss basically made them work harder just for tea. It angered Anzia because she no longer had her evenings so she demanded it which led to her losing her job.

  1. What kind of work does Anzia prefer to do? What is stopping her?

Anzia wants to work with her head and feelings she wants to work for love not with her hands only hard labor work. Anzia still doesn’t know English and she has a far understanding of life in America.

  1. Do you agree with the authors argument that immigrants should receive free room and board? Why or why not?

Anzia argues an amazing point when she says criminals get free bread in jail but immigrants work hard for scraps I agree with that but some of our criminals are not really criminals they were either at the wrong place at the wrong time or justice wasn’t prevailed.  Immigrants do work hard but in life you must work hard for what you have! Or it will be taken.

  1. What lessons did she learn from the pilgrims? How did this knowledge transform her idea of what it takes to succeed in America?  Do you agree with her assessment?

The lesson the pilgrims thought her was even though Americans got lost and ended up on an unknown land they made it theirs. She came to America expecting her poetic justice to be made already.  I definitely agree if you want something done work for it don’t beg for sympathy.

  1. How does the author utilize the concepts or “hunger” and “appetite” to bring out her thesis?

The author used the word hunger as greed.  Her not understanding something. The appetite is she had a taste of something and made the best of it. The immigrants just wanted a taste of understanding.


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