– 3 Questions and 3 Statements about Reporting Information Research essay topic & 1 Source

Marijo Alves


  1. “Sex, Love and Abuse intervenes in a timely way on some important issues that have become ’elephants in the room’ for academic and policy considerations around sexual violence and abuse.”  (‘ book)
Hayes, Sharon:. author
Title   Sex, love and abuse [electronic resource] ; discourses on domestic violence and sexual assault / Sharon Hayes.
  1. power 106 FM:  Interview: Kevin Gates “Society makes material things look so beautiful that people don’t love no more, they look past all what love is, but fail to realize that a car cannot cuddle with you nor can it pick the dirt off your nails”
“You can have a car but when you drive those couple of hundred miles you better have money for a gas tank, Thats the thing people don’t want the responsibility that comes with a car but society makes it look so pretty on tv and makes it seem so cool to have when it reality you need more than the car to maintain the car.”

“I would rather give up all what I have just to have that special someone because at the end of the day, all of those material things can never take away that lonesome feeling.” – (Kevin Gates)

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