Ethics Assignment 1A


What is Ethics?

Ethics is a set of moral principles at its most basic level. They have an impact on how people make choices and live their lives. Ethics, often known as moral philosophy, is concerned with what is beneficial for individuals and society. When it comes to  Ethics in business, people need to know what is right or what is wrong when creating/using a design, illustrations, images, or photos since they can be copyrighted. I have learned that you can be inspired or get inspiration from a piece of art but never copy someone else’s work!

The term copyright refers to the ownership of a designer’s work, which gives the designer authority over whether or not his/her piece of work can be replicated. Furthermore, the designer has the ability to negotiate fees or royalties if they allow their work to be copied.

source: File AIGA Business_Ethics 47556757-Guide-to-copyright-1-MB.pdf