Welcome to COMD 3501 Identity Design.

We will use this site to post images of work to share for class critique and discussion.

Class materials such as assignments, lecture slides, Zoom links and resources are on the class site at https://sites.google.com/view/ comd3501spring

Grades and announcements will be posted on Blackboard.

To get a quick start, please check out HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS SITE.

Carefully read the directions below to get started. Also please check out the UPLOADING INSTRUCTIONS POST on how to post to this site and to your ePortfolio. If you need help using the OpenLab, you can consult OpenLab Help or contact the OpenLab Community Team.

If you’d like to learn a little more about my background and work, please feel free to view my website!

Happy designing,
– Professor Eva Machauf

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