Our Mid-term Exam is coming up next Wednesday, 3/20!!

The test will be will be administered on Blackboard and will be available from 2:30-3:45pm. You can take the test on any computerā€”you can take it in class, but you donā€™t need to come to class. You should receive an announcement to your email at 2:30pm when it becomes available. You can also find it under ā€œContentā€ in Blackboard after 2:30pm.

The exam is open book and open notes. I recommend that you study carefully for it by filling out the study sheet ahead of time. Most of the questions require understanding concepts, not simply repeating answers from the study sheet.

Do NOT plagiarize from the internet. Utilizing answers from class materials and lectures is acceptable. Plagiarism from the internet is grounds for a zero score on the test.

You can start it any time within the normal class period (2:30-3:45pm) and will receive a full 75 minutes to take the test. It is possible to pause the test and come back later, but the clock will keep ticking and you only have 75 minutes total to take the test. You will not be able to resume after 3:45pm.

If you need a special exception you need to contact me. If for some reason you donā€™t contact me and also donā€™t take it at the appointed time, you will need a documented excuse (either medical or related to bereavement) for permission to take it at another time.

Donā€™t forget to download the review sheet and fill it out before the test! And let me know if you have any questions.

Dr. M

Midterm Review and Study Sheet

The midterm study sheet has now been posted on Openlab. Please fill it out to the best of your ability BEFORE class on Monday, 3/18. On Monday 3/18 we will have a review session, where we work on answering questions you have about the study sheet. We will probably not have time to go through the whole review sheet, so identify the questions you want to focus on beforehand!

Analytical Outline 1, due Wednesday 2/28

Dear Class,Ā 

Analytical Outline 1 is due a week from tomorrow, before midnight on Wednesday 2/28. Please submit to turnitin.com (see the previous post). You can see the details of the assignment on the Analytical Outline Assignment page.Ā 

Instructions for creating an analytical outline were discussed in class, and can also be seen on the instructions page.Ā 

See you tomorrow!

Dr. M


Iā€™m Dr. MacDougall, your professor for Philosophy of Law (PHIL 3211). There are two things I want you to know before our first meeting on January 29.

1. Most of our written interactions, class updates and materials, are available on our OpenLab site. Please join our OpenLab section as soon as possible. You will be required to join in order to participate in online discussions. You can also see theĀ scheduleĀ andĀ assignmentsĀ there.

2. This class is an Open Educational Resource (OER) course. That means there is no textbook, and all readings are freely available online. This saves you money and means you can store all our readings on your hard drive, indefinitely! You can find links to class readings on theĀ scheduleĀ page.

Let me know if you have any questions. Iā€™m looking forward to meeting you.

Dr. MacDougall