Final grades posted

Dear Class,

Congratulations on reaching the end of the semester! I enjoyed having each of you in class very much. Our class discussions were a highlight of my semester.

You should now be able to see your final exams on Blackboard and your final grades on CUNYFirst. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes to all of you for the summer and for your future academic endeavors!

Dr. MacDougall

Final Exam Wednesday, 5/22!!

The test will be will be administered on Blackboard and will be available from 2:30-3:45pm. You can take the test on any computer—you can take it in class, but you don’t need to come to class. You should receive an announcement to your email at 2:30pm when it becomes available. You can also find it under “Content” in Blackboard after 2:30pm.

The exam is open book and open notes. I recommend that you study carefully for it by filling out the study sheet ahead of time. Most of the questions require understanding concepts, not simply repeating answers from the study sheet.

Do NOT plagiarize from the internet. Utilizing answers from class materials and lectures is acceptable. Plagiarism from the internet is grounds for a zero score on the test.

You can start it any time within the normal class period (2:30-3:45pm) and will receive a full 75 minutes to take the test. It is possible to pause the test and come back later, but the clock will keep ticking and you only have 75 minutes total to take the test. You will not be able to resume after 3:45pm.

If you need a special exception you need to contact me. If for some reason you don’t contact me and also don’t take it at the appointed time, you will need a documented excuse (either medical or related to bereavement) for permission to take it at another time.

Don’t forget to download the review sheet and fill it out before the test! And let me know if you have any questions.

Dr. M

5/19 is the last day for written work

Please submit all written work for this class (either to or by email to me) by midnight on 5/19 at the latest. No written work will be accepted after that.

Until then you can still submit late homework assignments and other written work. These grades are all important for your final work, so get as much in as you can. 

Dr. M

Analytical outline 2 graded; NEW DUE DATE FOR PAPER 2.

Dear Class–

Analytical Outlines are now graded. You can find grades on If you have not yet submitted your analytical outline #2, do so as soon as you can!  These are an important part of your grade for the semester. 

I have also changed the schedule again, hopefully for the last time. Please note that I am changing the due date for paper #2 to before midnight on Tuesday 4/30. This is the last day of spring break. However, this represents a two week extension. You can still do it before spring break if you would like! We have to have the due date that day because we will begin covering paper topics the next day. 

See you all Monday. 

Dr. M

Midsemester Marks Added in Blackboard

Dear Class,

The school requires me to post midterm marks on Blackboard. These scores are based on a calculation of the percentage of points you have earned on the total points available so far, to this point in the semester. This includes half of your participation grade for the year, your homework grade, the midterm exam, and your first Analytical Outline and Argument Paper 1. You can see the marks and their meaning below:

P: Passing. 65-100%

BL: Borderline. 55-65%

U: Unsatisfactory <55%

SA: stopped attending

These grades reflect your performance on only the 50% of the course that has been graded so far, so that means that 50% of the grade is still to be determined. If your grade is not where you want it, please note that there is still time to make major improvements. Also, if you have outstanding homework assignments or papers, submitting them as soon as possible may significantly help your grade.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and enjoy your weekend.


Dr. M