Midsemester marks posted.

Midsemester marks have been posted.

These scores are based on a calculation of the percentage of points you have earned on the total points available so far, to this point in the semester. This includes half of your participation grade for the year, grades on two analytical outlines and two four-sentence papers, and the midterm exam. You can see the marks and their meaning below:

P: Passing. 65-100%

BL: Borderline. 55-65%

U: Unsatisfactory <55%

SA: stopped attending

These grades reflect your performance on only the 46% of the course that has been graded so far, so that means that 54% of the grade is still to be determined. If your grade is not where you want it, please note that there is still time to make major improvements. Also, if you have outstanding assignments, submitting them as soon as possible may significantly help your grade.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Dr. M

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