Reading Questions Instructions

You will be able to see new reading questions for each week on the Reading Questions page. The purpose of the reading questions is to give you a clue about what to look for when doing the readings, and to encourage you to read for comprehension rather than mere completion. 

The reading questions will appear on the exam study sheet, and so they (or some form of these questions) may also appear on exams. We will discuss the answers to the first pair in class this week, but after that we will not directly address the answers either in class or in our review sessions. So be sure to answer them! Although we won’t cover them directly in class, feel free to work with classmates to identify answers. 

Reminder: No Class Tonight!

This is a reminder that there are no classes at City Tech today. Our class is also canceled for tonight. 

Next Monday is also a holiday, and there are no classes that day either. Our next meeting will be Thursday, 2/22 at 6pm. Classes that day will run on a Monday schedule. As always, you can see our schedule for this class if you have any questions. 

See you on 2/22!

Dr. M


I’m Dr. MacDougall, your professor for Health Care Ethics (PHIL 2203). There are two things I want you to know before our first meeting on January 29.

1. Most of our written interactions, class updates and materials, are available on our OpenLab site. Please join our OpenLab section as soon as possible. You will be required to join in order to participate in online discussions. You can also see the schedule and assignments there.

2. This class is an Open Educational Resource (OER) course. That means there is no textbook, and all readings are freely available online. This saves you money and means you can store all our readings on your hard drive, indefinitely! You can find links to class readings on the schedule page.

Let me know if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Dr. MacDougall