Reading questions for 4/15

Please note, you do NOT need to answer these here. Answer them for yourself as you read and save the answers–you will need them for the exams!

Brock, D W. 1992. “Voluntary Active Euthanasia.”

  • Explain how Brock uses the illustration involving the greedy son to argue that doctors are already permitted to kill their patients.

Nesbitt, Winston. 1995. “Is killing no worse than letting die?

  • According to Nesbitt, what is the correct reason for thinking killing is morally worse than letting die?

Reading Questions for Readings Due 4/8/24

I apologize for the late notice on these. In lieu of attending class tonight, please spend some time working out the answers to the following reading questions. 

For links to readings, see Course Schedule and Readings. Please note, you do NOT need to answer these here. Answer them for yourself as you read and save the answers–you will need them for the exams!

Wendell, S. (1989). Toward a feminist theory of disability.

In what way is being disabled similar to being a woman, according to Susan Wendell?

Gunther, D. F., & Diekema, D. S. 2006. Attenuating growth in children with profound developmental disability: a new approach to an old dilemma.

In the Ashley X case, described in the article “Attenuating growth…” by Gunther and Diekema, they describe a procedure they used to permanently stunt the growth of a 6 year old with profound disabilities. What was the primary reason they performed this procedure, and whose interest did they claim it served?