Readings for in-class group assignment April 26, 2017
Please print and bring to today’s class the following for the in-class assignment.
- Group project_Building for the Next Big Storm_04-26-17
- NY Launches $19.5 B Climate Resiliency Plan
- Building-for-the-Next-Big-Storm
Reading Assignment for Wed. March 15
Discussion questions: Questions for discussion tomorrow on reading: Why farm the city? Theorizing urban agriculture through a lens of metabolic rift, by Nathan McClintock:
- McClintock presents the argument that urban residents should farm the city. What are his reasons?
2. What does McClintock means by metabolic rift, ecological rift, social rift and individual rift?
3. How does he believe these rifts can be overcome by farming the city?
4. How could ‘farming the city’ become a viable activity in a densely populated urban center?
5. What are some ways this could be done and who would benefit? What are the challenges to doing this?
Reading Assignment for Wed. March 1
Discussion questions for Wed. March 1: Be prepared for in-class discussion of the following:
Discussion of readings for class discussion on Wed 03-01-17
Please read the following article for Wed. Discussion questions to be posted by Monday, Feb. 27
Reading assignment for Wed. Feb. 22
**Please see post referring you to Blackboard to access and print this article. It is too large (because of graphics, not length) to be posted here on Open Lab.***
Reading assignment for Wed. Feb. 8
**Please read the following two articles for Wed. Feb. 8. If possible, print copies and bring to class so they are available for discussion.