Faculty: You can include your course schedule here by starting with this template, or changing it as needed. The weekly schedule below refers to chapters/topics from the OpenStax text. Please delete this informational block when you are ready to share your site with your students. For help working with OpenLab Course sites, visit OpenLab Help.

Date                    Chapter/Content            Topic                                                                            
Week 1               Chapter 1                          Welcome to Economics                                           
Week 2               Chapter 2                          Choice in a World of Scarcity:                                                                          Production Possibilities Frontier
Week3                Chapter 3                          Demand and Supply
Week4                Chapter 6                          The Macroeconomic Perspective: Gross                                                                                  Domestic Product
Week 5               Chapter 8                          Unemployment
Week 6               Chapter 9                          Inflation
Week 7               Chapters 12 & 13         Introduction to Macroeconomics:                                                                          The Keynesian & Neoclassical Perspectives
Week 8               MIDTERM EXAM
Week 9               Chapter 14                       Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve System                                                                        
Week 10             Chapter 15                       Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation        
Week 11             Chapter 17                       Government Budgets and Fiscal policy
Week 12             Chapter 20                       International Trade
Week 13             Chapter 21                       Globalization and Protectionism
Week 14             Chapter 19                        Macroeconomic Policy Around the World
Week 15             FINAL EXAM

For each session:

  • Date: Add date
  • Location: Note whether online or in-person
  • Topic details: Add here
  • Activities & Due Dates: Add assignments, activities and due dates, as relevant

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