Success Tips-Brianna M.

Tip 1: coming to class(physically) is very important because if you don’t come to class physically you won’t be mentally and physically prepared for the class which can cause stress and procrastination. Due to the fact that you’re not physically in class you won’t be prepared for upcoming quizzes exams or you just won’t understand the work. My junior year in high school I skipped classes pretty frequently which caused me to fall behind in class and be confused for the next time that I do go which just made me very unmotivated and cause a lot of stress on me trying to catch in the class. If you’re not physically in class your setting your self up for failure especially if you don’t care to get the notes you missed, asking someone in your class to help you with the work you missed or reaching out to the teacher asking what you could do to be physically prepared for the class and how to keep up with the work if you know you can’t physically come to class. Also, by not being in class your missing out on important materials, you won’t be able to think clearly about the course topic or have good relationship with the instructor and you won’t be as prepared as you need to be for tests.

Tip 9: Asking for help is also another important thing because if you don’t ask for help your just setting yourself up for failure, if you don’t understand a topic and you can’t reach out for help you will just be sitting there confused wasting time on one assignment when you can be putting your time into other things as well.When you ask for help you’ll get the opportunity to get opinions on your thoughts if you’re ever having doubts about what your homework topic is about. Even if you think the person you’re asking for help won’t give you help or the help that you need it doesn’t hurt to try since it gives you a better understanding and a different perspective. Asking for help, allows people to get better personalized strategies for having a healthy and constructive manner. Also, keeps you strong and helps you with whatever challenges you might be facing.

4 thoughts on “Success Tips-Brianna M.”

  1. I am a procrastinator as well but I was always physically in my class until I reached senior year of high school.I thought I was done with school in the middle of the year and was never in class which was bad.I missed some of the topics my teachers talked about which affected my grades.Being physically in the school is important for us to stay on top of our stuff.It’s okay to ask for help when you don’t understand something.I agree that it setting yourself up for failure because I definitely stayed quiet and there’s this saying “closed mouths don’t get fed” and I didn’t understand anything that was going and figured it out myself when I could’ve just asked.

  2. I agree with you that asking for help is important because like you mention, we are just wasting valuable time that we can use to work on the assignment. However we just sitting down all confused. Even if anyone is shy, maybe an option can be to wait after class is over or ask a peer for their contact information and ask for help or and explanation via text. This can also help your classmates since both can share ideas and make a homework assingment more interesting. Being physically in class is one of the most important tips because it will help you succeed and not fall behind. As of someone who used to like not going to certain classes in my junior year, i also take this tip into consideration for a better education.

  3. I agree that coming to class physically is very important not everything that is said in class will be on the presentation or in the homework, missing class even just once can set you back. Sometimes people cant be in class for very good reasons but even so you should reach out to a classmate for the work or even for their notes. I can completely relate to falling behind due to my lack of attendance in classes during my junior year I never took my Spanish III class seriously due to the fact that I thought I could just show up on exam days and get 100 and I would be fine but that was not the case. Asking for help is also very important you shouldn’t struggle in silence it is setting yourself up for failure, time spent stuck on a topic and refusing to ask for help can make you fall behind drastically.

  4. I agree that coming to class physically is very important not everything that is said in class will be on the presentation or in the homework, missing class even just once can set you back. Sometimes people cant be in class for very good reasons but even so you should reach out to a classmate for the work or even for their notes. I can completely relate to falling behind due to my lack of attendance in classes during my junior year I never took my Spanish III class seriously due to the fact that I thought I could just show up on exam days and get 100 and I would be fine but that was not the case. Asking for help is also very important you shouldn’t struggle in silence it is setting yourself up for failure, time spent stuck on a topic and refusing to ask for help can make you fall behind drastically.

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