Introduction-Justin Fuentes

Hello, my name is Justin. I am a Biomedical informatics major as a freshman student in CityTech. I was born and raised in Queens. Growing up I always flip-flopped on what I wanted to be but I think I got it now. I started to have a growing interest In Biology, and medicine, and have always liked computers and wanted to learn more in-depth. The people I have met and talked to about the bio-medicine world inspired me to want to become involved as well and I thought what better way than through technology? I live in a house of 4 where I also have a cat, they are so important to me it is so important I know everyone is in good health.

My hobbies are mostly being on my computer and listening to music. Music is so important to who I am because I feel such a connection when I listen to it. I speak English most of the time but can speak Spanish a small bit, enough to have a conversation. I never liked to play spots that much growing up. I just felt like I didn’t do any good enough so I grew to not like them much. However, when I started high school I started to grow this love for volleyball. Through volleyball, I was able to make new friends and bond with them even if we weren’t so good. I do like getting away from the city and the calmness but I do enjoy the city and all the different places it has to offer. My loved ones fuel me to pursue what I want in this life and I feel like I’m on the right path.

2 thoughts on “Introduction-Justin Fuentes”

  1. It’s amazing how you’ve used biomedical informatics to combine your love of biology and medicine with your enthusiasm for technology. Your varied interests seem to have finally found an area where you can work in, and it’s encouraging to see how you’re using your experiences and hobbies to create a fulfilling profession.

  2. Thx for the close up pictures. Looks like you have a car! Good choices to study bio medical field. What jobs does this major lead to? Have you had any work experience in the health professions? Welcome to our class!

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