Introduction- Brianna

My name is Brianna Morgan but most people call be Bri and I am a Human Services Major. I am born and raised in New York, but have lived in Jamaica for 3 years. I came back to New York to pursue studies and to be around other family members.I travel to Canada every year to see family. I love helping people that want to be help or need to be help. My hobbies include reading, playing video games, drawing, hanging out with my friends, baking and going on nature walks .

I like playing sports and I used to be on my school’s track and cross country team. On my free time I watch anime shows. My favorite anime series to watch is One Piece even though it’s extremely long I personally think it’s good which a lot of people tend to disagree on.I hope this class helps me write better than I do now help me expand wording and not be stuck using the same words in emails and/or papers.I really  look forward to getting to know you  as my professor during this semester and classmates. I like to take pictures of places around New York City that I think looks cool or nice to me. (sorry I don’t know how to rotate the pictures or I don’t know why it rotated).

8 thoughts on “Introduction- Brianna”

  1. Hi Brianna! I see we have some things in common. I love anime too. My favorite has to be Sword Art Online. My current favorite is Solo Leveling. I can’t wait for the second season. I admit to never watching One Piece because I find the amount of episodes to be intimidating. I may watch it though since a lot of people recommend it.

  2. Hi Brianna! I love taking pictures as well especially at night.All the lights and the buildings just looks so beautiful.The city is the best part of New York because I always love to go somewhere to eat and walk around.I’ve traveled to Jamaica and the weather is very nice. I’ve also traveled to other tropical places such as Dominican Republic,Barbados and Florida.It was nice reading and getting to know you!

    1. HI Christi! Nice to meet you I see we both like taking pictures and I do agree with taking pictures at night I feel like you can see New York more better at night rather than in the day!

  3. Thx for the pictures Brianna. I can’t make out what the second picture is — can you tell us? Are you from both Jamaica and Canada? How interesting! and how did that come to be? Which country, USA, Jamaica, or Canada do you feel most at home in?

    And yes vocabulary building will be one skill we are learning this semester, so use the dictionary and look up words you come across in your reading that you don’t know. Reading is a great way to improve vocabulary!

    1. The second picture is just a stairway with random pictures on it and graffiti looked like a nice artwork piece! No I’m not from Canada just most of my family members live there. I would the USA feels most at home because this is where I spent most of my life at while in Canada I’m only in one area same thing as when I go to Jamaica so I think I’m more familiar in the USA or just in New York.

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