Outline Education Narrative-Justin Fuentes

Every day was just passing by one day after another. I would wake up between 6:30 AM to 7:00 AM and could not get out of bed, I would feel my eyes close right after I opened them, my head was as heavy as a brick falling right back onto my soft ohh so comfy pillow, as I try to get out of bed I only find more excuses to fall back into the comfort of my bed. Finally, I managed to pull myself out of the trance my bed had on me. I stumbled around to the bathroom to prepare myself for the rest of the day. After mindlessly brushing my teeth, I splashed water on my face to try and wake up fully. Being able to think more clearly, I pick out my outfit, prepare my bag, last check for all my essential items and leave my house skipping breakfast and running for the train, I’m late. At first the feeling of being late left me with this feeling of guilt and disappointment, some days I would miss the train completely or be so late I wouldn’t even leave my house. Sitting there on my couch waiting for the time to pass enjoying the sweet tranquility and quietness of my living room, everything would seem to agitate me in the mornings on days like this. My clothes not fitting right. A sudden pain in my leg while walking, the train platform being so hot, the train being loud. By the time I got to class I was already feeling tired from my mornings of events. On top of my first class being on the top floor of the school building I would fall behind in class. 

Every day felt like it didn’t matter much to me. When I would think about my assignments piling up, I would feel a sense of dread eventually time would pass, and I would have never got to them. Despite all of this and my first period teacher seeing this he still wouldn’t give up on me. “Justin, can you speak with me outside for a second please” already knowing how much work I haven’t done and my habits that have building up I started to feel the guilt again knowing that has gotten this far for my teacher to want to talk to me privately. As I walk out the door into the hallway, I feel ashamed. I feel bad that I didn’t do what I knew I was supposed to do. “Hey Justin how are you doing I noticed that you have been falling a little bit behind and I was just wondering what we can do to help you progress” “thank you Mr. Schumacher I have just been feeling out of it, it’s like I have been in this drought of motivation to do any work “ “I know sometimes it can be hard but you are falling very behind and you need to start making a change now if you want to pass this class and not go to summer school”. I knew in my head that he was so right I was aware that I had to make a change but no one had told me face to face “ I understand and I completely agree that I have to make a change and I will make a change because I do want to pass this class” “Ok Justin I’ll make you a deal, if you show up every day and pass the rest of the marking periods you will pass this class” “thank you”. 

2 thoughts on “Outline Education Narrative-Justin Fuentes”

  1. This story so far seems relatable to me personally, I used to have a history teacher who would try to reach out to me and help me when I was falling behind in high school, so I’m looking forward to reading it. However it seems like the opening was rushed towards the end like you’re trying to fit everything in there.

  2. I have not seen the previous HWs that are part of the WRITING PROCESS. The previous HWs would let me know that you are on track. I do not know what you are writing about.


    In addition you have been absent 3 out of our 6 classes so far.

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