Opening for Ed narrative-Brianna M

On September 9th, 2022 junior year my friend and I were in the 2nd floor lunchroom at Edward R Murrow High school from this day my friend and I started going around the lunchroom asking people this or that questions like “Nicki or Cardi B ” or “Burger King or McDonald’s”. This is when I met a teacher named Ms.Archer well she wasn’t my teacher though she would just watch over the lunch room the time I had lunch which was D band known as 4th period to others she was my favorite teacher, But we would always have little tiny conversations about random things. Ms.Archer was a bit harsh on me and was really serious at times but she has a Kind soul and I loved her from the day we met.

Every time I seen her around in the hallway or lunch room we’ve always talked as if we knew each other for years she treated me like I was older and more mature. As I’m standing on the 3rd floor waiting by th bathroom I turn my head and there I see ms Archer walking I states Hiii hello Ms archer how r you? she replied the hallways are but what can I say its always like that I then said its always like that then we laughed after the laughter she asked how I was doing in my classes I nodded yes then said its going good she knew right then I there I was lying as were standing there the bell rang as she’s walking away to class 340E she yelled bye Brianna have a wonderful learning day from a distance. I couldn’t do nothing but stand there because she was already gone.

 Junior year was one of my hardest year because I never went to class, I did edibles almost every other day, and started being disrespectful to staff. Throughout all this Ms.archer noticed the little changes I have made and we both knew it wasn’t for a good reason. My school had little codes on our ID that meant something whenever you swiped if it was your birthday you would hear a birthday song, if you didn’t pay for a book or something it would say warning warning and if you did something bad it will make police sirens. Everyday as I swiped my Id it always made a police siren.

1 thought on “Opening for Ed narrative-Brianna M”

  1. Brianna: I see you have a story here and I see that you made some paragraph breaks. Good — but you have many writing sentence errors. Mainly Run-On sentence errors. I can’t tell where one sentence begins and the next starts. PLEASE WORK WITH THE TUTORS NOW.

    Study my comments from your HW 3 Saved.

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