Writing Task Saved- Carlos v

Joining the baseball team saved me, 3 and a half years ago my friend kept insisting me about joining the baseball team but I always let him down because I felt it was going to be a waste of time. Until one day, I felt a close connection to the sport as if the wind on that day made me feel energized and excited about it. I made an appointment to get a physical but while answering some questions on the physical form, I noticed that I would often fall behind and run out of breath quicker than others. Once while playing soccer I nearly felt my heart stopped and that also made me afraid to do physical activities. I had taken the Covid Vaccine which seemed to have impacted me in a negative way and it was mandatory for many activities.

When I was younger I would tell adults that my heart beats differently but no one would listen to me as if I was lying. But I made an appointment with the cardiologist to make sure my health was fine. As I did the EKG I was diagnosed with WPW and it turns out I was born with it but the vaccine some way triggered it. I was experiencing severe symptoms such as palpitations, high BPM, high blood pressure, dizziness. That meant that I was at high risk to have a cardiac arrest if I had left it untreated. As it turns out I had a procedure to terminate the extra electrical pathway but it couldn’t be done because it was located in a dangerous area in my heart. So the only solutions was for me to take medication for it until there are new technologies that provide better results. The game baseball now fascinates me and I love it as if I had been playing it my whole life, the meds help to regulate my heart beats and my blood pressure so I can enjoy doing activities that once concerned me. If my friend hadn’t given me the idea to join the team I might not be here or to have that inspiration to try something new. I’m grateful that happened and it makes me believe that everything happens for a reason, even if it’s a little flaw in the heart.

3 thoughts on “Writing Task Saved- Carlos v”

  1. I like that your attitude change towards the sport and that you have something that you love.I’m so sorry you were dealing with that and I’m happy everything went well in the end.We have something in common.Sports saved you as it has saved me. Also, I’m happy that you have people to push you and inspire you because some people don’t have that.

  2. In One Sentence tell me What is the single transformative event that you are writing about?  


    Could you combine Saved writing prompt options with REsilience writing prompt option? YOu certainly have resilience if you can live with WPW. STUDY the ASSIGNMENT.

    COme up with ONE sentence that….as above.

    COULD IT BE: This is a story about how baseball saved me and helped me survive WPW throughout my high schoolyears.

  3. PROBLEM: you are doing a lot of TELLING instead you need to SHOW me. RLW – Read like a Writier and study how our writers create scenes with CSD concrete specific details to make the writing become theatre of the mind.

    Joining the baseball team saved me, 3 and a half years ago my friend kept insisting me about joining the baseball team but I always let him down because I felt it was going to be a waste of time. Until one day, I felt a close connection to the sport as if the wind on that day made me feel energized and excited about it. I made an appointment to get a physical but while answering some questions on the physical form, I noticed that I would often fall behind and run out of breath quicker than others.

    Once while playing soccer I nearly felt my heart stopped and that also made me afraid to do physical activities. WHY is covid connected here? Does it belong in the story? I had taken the Covid Vaccine which seemed to have impacted me in a negative way and it was mandatory for many activities.

    When I was younger I would tell adults that my heart beats differently [HOW did you know – What were you feeling? MOVE this to here — I was experiencing severe symptoms such as palpitations, high BPM, high blood pressure, dizziness. ] but no one would listen to me as if I was lying. But I made an appointment with the cardiologist [WHEN you were younger or now as you tryout for baseball?] to make sure my health was fine. As I did the EKG [Good place for a scene — DESCRIBE THIS TEST—WHERE did this happen? WHAT was the EKG maching like – sounds? Your FEELINGS of anxiety???  You must have known something was not normal?]

    As the test came back – were you waiting for weeks days – or was it instantaneous? SHOW me your suspense. I was diagnosed with WPW and it turns out I was born with it but the vaccine some way triggered it. MOVE this — I was experiencing severe symptoms such as palpitations, high BPM, high blood pressure, dizziness. SHOW THE RESULTS OF TEST HERE – WHAT words stared out at you from the report! SHOW your shock or was it relief that now you knew….WHAT were your reactions? That meant that I was at high risk to have a cardiac arrest if I had left it untreated. As it turns out I had a procedure to terminate the extra electrical pathway but it couldn’t be done because it was located in a dangerous area in my heart. So the only solutions was for me to take medication for it until there are new technologies that provide better results.

    THE main part of your story is missing here !


    WHAT events now happened to SHOW that you were able to join baseball team.

    WHAT did you gain from being on the baseball team? HOW did your medical condition change your education life? Can you combine baseball with showing how you live with WPW through sports and how it effects your education? YOU NEED A CLEAR ONE SENTENCE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THIS STORY IS ABOUT — OTHERWISE YORU READER IS CONFUSED.

    SHOW me a scene of friendships?

    SHW me a scene of winning and feeling community?

    SHOW me HOW this translated to yoru school life — Remember this is an EDUCATION NARRATIVE!

    [Save for conclusion part] The game baseball now fascinates me and I love it as if I had been playing it my whole life, the meds help to regulate my heart beats and my blood pressure so I can enjoy doing activities that once concerned me. If my friend hadn’t given me the idea to join the team I might not be here or to have that inspiration to try something new. I’m grateful that happened and it makes me believe that everything happens for a reason, even if it’s a little flaw in the heart.

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