Success Tips – Ryan

Tip 3 : This tip is one that is very important for me to grow on since I can be quite quiet sometimes. I do also like working alone which doesn’t really help the case. Though with this upcoming semester I definitely plan to work on this. I plan on that by making small talk with classmates next to me when its appropriate to do so, also actually asking questions and staying back or going to office hours to receive help. Before when I was confused I used to just keep it to myself though I did keep it in mind and try to look it up later, it wouldn’t be as useful as if I had someone to conversate with about the topic.

Tip 7 : Tip number seven sticks out to me a lot because I’ve recently realized how important this would be since college is a lot of self learning and studying. With both of those you have to be able to focus and intake information for long periods of time for the most part. Being able to find a very efficient way for you to study couldn’t be more important. I’ve found that I’m more focused during the morning and that I do well working either alone or a small group. This is why I made decently early and most importantly in person classes. When things went online I realized that it wasn’t working well and I got distracted easy.

3 thoughts on “Success Tips – Ryan”

  1. I understand about being quiet.I used to be so scared to talk to people and ask for help.I thought I would embarrass myself.I struggled a lot in communicating to my teachers and classmates when I was confused on a topic we had to learn.So eventually I stopped caring what people thought because everyone is just thinking about themselves.I agree about getting distracted easily especially because I have a low attention span.I do well with group work and working alone so maybe creating a group study session with your classmates can help you.

  2. It’s interesting that you are a morning person because I prefer working later at night, I feel like that’s when my mind works the best. I also agree with you because now in college it’s almost necessary to have a work space that works best with you, it’s like having a time to think properly about your work and not be distracted.

  3. I wholeheartedly support your plan. It’s simple to get into the routine of working silently and by yourself, but trying to interact with people can truly help. A terrific strategy to get out of your shell is to start with small talk and ask questions in the classroom or during office hours. You’ll probably discover that talking to others about difficult subjects is far more beneficial than attempting to solve the problem later on by yourself. It all comes down to making those tiny connections and getting the support you require.

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