Introduction – ZiXuan Wu

Hello, I’m ZiXuan Wu, and I am a Computer Systems major, but I like playing card games. Specifically card games such as YuGiOh and Hearthstone, although I am open to playing other card games as well. I have multiple siblings, although I don’t know the exact number since its so large, two of them live with me.

Recently, during the summer, I spent a lot of time perusing the language Lua, a language that focuses on game design, in order to further my knowledge in game design, as that is what I want my future career to be in. But that’s about it for my introduction, as I don’t have a lot of hobbies besides playing games. unfortunately, but I am opening to broadening that aspect of my life.

I also speak Mandarin, although I’m not very fluent at it, I can understand and keep up with most conversations. My parents speak it a lot and don’t understand English so I pushed myself to learn Mandarin myself so that I could keep up a good relationship with my parents.

4 thoughts on “Introduction – ZiXuan Wu”

  1. ZiXuan — Please add a visual or picture to this introduction!

    It’s a requirement for this assignment! Here is how to add a picture:
    Basically you need to go into edit. THen choose the Plus sign in the top left corner. Then you can click on “gallery” or I just use “image.” Then you should be able to upload a picture from your computer.

    This is a little on the short side! Can you tell us anything else about yourself? FOr instance what do you hope will be your future career? What did you learn about yourself as your taught yourself Lua? What is Lua? Do you speak any languages? I am guessing that you speak Chinese, as your name suggests that you are like me Chinese. I am curious to know because as I told all of you in my introduction, although I am Chinese, I don’t really speak my home language since I am born here in the States. In my time, I think my parents wanted me to be Americanized and didn’t stress learning Chinese to me and my siblings. I do think they regretted that as we got older. I wonder what your experience is with language and home language? And yes what games do you play?

    I am encouraging you to be MORE SPECIFIC in your writing! This will be one of our goals in this class.

    Also no need to choose two categories. No need to use Student Works as a category. The only category is the one I announced which was INTRODUCTIONS. This will be different with each HW, but I will announce what category to use. And it will always be just ONE CATEGORY.

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