The spring semester’s done and my requirements have been completed. I’ve done a total of about 180 hours, including the 14 hours that haven’t been recorded on the sheet in the week after. I decided to continue my internship and finish the projects that I have pending, and work on their marketing material. Due to speaking with et al’s marketing director, there’s a chance for me to introduce myself to Squarespace’s CMS and get some web development stuff done on their website.

Over the past three months, I’ve developed a great relationship with Manu, Jose, John, Meigan and even the other intern Daniella. They did more than they had to make myself feel comfortable and get used to the work flow at the office and I’m grateful. They made lunch for me and invited me to lunch. They always sent me websites where I could learn more about design and have references beyond looking up Google Images.

It was funny interning at an architecture firm and having an NYIT professor as my supervisor, given that I was an former architecture major and a NYIT student. Life has funny surprises like that. I’ve learned so much that I will end up taking with me into future endeavors, such as retouching upon InDesign, learning to manage my time more efficiently ,think about things less but more so, and that you could be inspired by everyday things for design and not just rely on what others have done or not done.

This internship is but a stepping stone to my future as a professional graphic and web designer. The journey is like a dark tunnel and the wait is long and shrouded in uncertainity, lack of faith from others and doubt. Sometimes I will be taken to places where I may not have thought of going or wish to go but I will travel down it nonetheless.

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