Department/College/University Service:

Spring 2020- 2021 PSC-CUNY Grant Reviewer

I was contacted by Aleksandra Cataruzolo in March to review the PSC CUNY grants for the Anthropology, Classics, Philosophy, and Linguistics Panel (ACPLP).  I reviewed grant proposals for the Traditional A and B Applications.

Spring 2020 Living Lab Fellow-

In the call to participate for full time faculty, compensation is marked as “vital service to the college. (A series of Friday Workshops took place in Spring 2020 that cumulated in a project presentation. The focus is on Intercultural Knowledge and Competence. This Gen Ed outcome, important to all, has immediate and particular relevance to programs accredited by ABET, ACEN, CODA, and other agencies that accredit professional programs.  I wanted to work on the ANTH 2000 Medical Anthropology class, as I figured it would be a good fit for the theme “intercultural knowledge and Competence” and perhaps it might broaden the courses appeal to students.

Final Report/Teaching Module

A Mock Cultural Interaction Between a Hmong Immigrant Family and American Doctor


2018-2021 Faculty Student Disciplinary Chair (FSDC)

I was appointed to be a Chair of FSDC and have served in matters of student and faculty disciplinary concerns.  I attended training both at City Tech and CUNY wide. I served on this committee 2013-2016, but am now serving in the role of Chair who acts like a “judge” in the disciplinary meetings. I regulate the meetings, ask questions, and write up the findings/report of the proceedings.  This is typically a two year appointment starting Fall 2018, but I was reappointed again for two more years ending Spring 2022.


2012-2021 Anthropology sub-discipline coordinator

In 2012 I was appointed Anthropology sub-discipline coordinator for Anthropology assisting the Sociology Coordinator as needed. I mentor and guide the adjuncts, so that when one adjunct wanted to teach a hybrid course, I  participated in workshop (Fall 2019) with Karen Lunstrem to develop and understand online teaching.  I did this because as the discipline coordinator I wanted to be able to better guide adjuncts. I posted a hybrid template syllabus on open lab.  As the only Anthropologist in the department, I am responsible for the yearly reviewing and revising of the course outlines for ANTH 1101, ANTH 1102, and ANTH 1103.  I have to review courses for course equivalents. I did all the forms for pathways for Anthropology and Sociology 2201. I review student ratings significantly below department and determined how to remedy problem areas.  I review adjunct syllabi to make sure it has the required elements (General Education Outcomes, Academic Integrity Statement, Course requirements, etc.)  I reviewed course catalog descriptions and titles.. I wrote from scratch a program review for Anthropology as none previously existed  I worked on MCFs,  reviewed course catalog descriptions and titles. I submitted a new course proposal: “Medical Anthropology Course.” Met with Provost, Dean, Chair, to review proposal (3/24/16) . (Worked on in Fall 2014 & Submitted in Spring 2015, and again Spring 2016 – with the transition to a New Dean the proposal was pushed for submission in 2016).  Duties as outlined by Jean Hillstrom include:


2011-2020 Mentor Students

  • Mentor  I am on the list of mentors for the School of Arts and Sciences Student Research Opportunities.


City Tech Writer:

I have mentored student writing by submitting student papers for City Tech Writer journal, five of which were selected for publication.

Braithwaite, Leah “The Religion of America is Capitalism”, from ANTH 1102, Fall 2012. City Tech Writer Vol. 8, 2013

Ee Songyi “Religion and its Function for Second Generation Korean-Americans,” from ANTH 1102, Fall 2011. City Tech Writer Vol. 7, 2012

Golembo, Samantha “Supernatural Beliefs,” from ANTH 1102, Fall 2015. City Tech Writer, Vol. 11, 2016.

Khan, Abir “Islamic Rituals: A Pillar in Bengali Culture”, from ANTH 1102, Fall 2012. City Tech Writer Vol. 8, 2013

Proctor, Cornell “Hands Up: 6 Playwrights, 6 Testaments: A Symbolic Religious Ritual for African American World View,” from ANTH 1102, Fall 2015. City Tech Writer, Vol. 11, 2016.

2020 – There were 3 finalists (Maite Reales, Briana Roldan, Anqi Wang). Briana Roldan’s paper “The Symbolic Nature of Death Rituals and Gender” made the final selection. City Tech Writer Vol 15, 2020


Emerging Scholars:

I have mentored 3 emerging scholars. In 2009, I mentored emerging Scholar Nu-Senbi Imhotep. I advised him with his research and preparation of the poster,  and attended Poster presentation (May 7-9) Topic:  Masai use of herbal medicine. (I replaced Dr. S. Singh when he resigned). In 2011, I worked with  George Kobachidze, with an interest in Post socialist Caucasus. He explored post socialist Caucasus with an emphasis on learning about how Internet blogging can sooth tensions between conflicting ethnic groups in the region. In the Spring 2013, Fall 2013 I mentored Leah Hart-Braithwaite who worked on a project related to the Gentrification of Brooklyn  ).  


Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Spring 2019

I mentored 3 “Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)” scholars starting Spring 2019: 1. Kiyatou Konate who used Medical Anthropological sources to study Air quality in New York. 2. Ida Touray who is exploring digital Anthropology by looking at the role of Facebook and its role in severing social bonds. 3. Sumya Raha who is researching Globalization by looking at McDonald’s as a symbolic expression of Western Expansion and how local countries modify it to fit their customs and culture. (


Cuny BA:

I have mentored two CUNY BA students. George Kobachidze’s interest was in  Post socialist Caucasus with an area of concentration “Applied Anthropology/Data Analysis.”  As there is no Anthropology major at City Tech, this student took courses within the CUNY system to receive his bachelor’s degree by combining his interests in Anthropology with his interests in software development. George was featured on the CUNY BA website October 21, 2013:

He also received a CUNY BA Smith Fellowship:

“Thomas W. Smith Academic Fellowships are funded through a donation by Mr. Thomas W. Smith to recognize academic excellence. Awards are disbursed in October and February. Subject to maintenance of good academic standing, awards are renewable until the recipient completes all degree contract credits. . . Because the Smith Fellowship recognizes academic excellence, attention is given to the applicant’s GPA and to the seriousness of the applicant’s academic interests and plans. International students may apply” .

I was also a CUNY BA mentor for Marcrooseler Sylla whose area of concentration was “Food Science and Social Media Marketing”).  Marco was my second CUNY BA student.  Duties included course recommendation, writing letters of recommendation, and providing academic guidance. (Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016)

Letters of Recommendation:

2016-2018 Common Core Committee (Chair Vicki Flaris)

3/22/16 – Six people were nominated and the CUNY office of academic affairs selected two. I was selected for this CUNY wide position to review course submissions for the Common Core under the category of: subcommittee on Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning, Life and Physical Sciences, Scientific World, and Individual and Society, Chair Vicki Flaris Even though I was on Faculty Fellowship leave for 2017-2018, I continued to serve on this Committee as it was a two year commitment.


2016-2018 Assessment Pilot: Inquiry and Analysis.

My course, ANTH 1102, was selected to assess the GEN ED category “Inquiry and Analysis.”  This entails using an assignment from the course and adjusting it to fit the grading rubric for “Inquiry and Analysis,” going to TK20 workshop trainings, going to assessment workshop trainings, and uploading sample student assignments onto TK20.


 2016-2017 – OER Fellowship

OER Fellowship – posting open access material for ANTH 1101 to OPEN LAB for all faculty to use. I attended workshops, and developed/assembled a textbook for ANTH 1101 (See 17.9). The goal was to make the material free for students but also to share among other faculty both within and outside the CUNY system.


2015-2017 Appointments Committee

I was elected to serve on the Appointments Committee, 10/1/15. This is a very time consuming and important committee. I attended college wide appointments committee meeting/ training session January 27, 2016 2:30-4:00. Reviewed applications for sabbatical, adjunct promotions, PARSE for reappointment, multiple position forms, and had an active role in faculty hiring applications and interviews.  Scheduled faculty observations.


2012-2016 The Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee (FSDC).

  • I was appointed in 2012 to serve on The Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee (FSDC). This committee met on an “as needed” basis when a student violated campus rules such as academic dishonesty, to stalking, and harassment. In court case style, I sat as a faculty representative and “jury” to listen to these cases and afterwards discuss solutions. As these cases are confidential, there are no documents to represent this work  [Chair Gilen Chan]


2009-2016 Assessment Committee[See Exhibit 23.1] (Liaison Co-Chair 2009-2012, Liason Chair 2012-2016)

I started working as an Assessment Committee- Department Liaison with Dr. H. Sisco as Co-Chair Liason in the Fall 2009 (Dean Brown Chaired the Committee from 2009-2011, Dean Botchway Chaired from 2011-2012, Faculty Chairs 2012-2016: Sarah Standing and Ralph Alcendor).  That first year we worked on preparing assessment measures for Sociology 1101, and assisted with preparations for Macroeconomics and Psychology. The following year (2010-2011) I wrote the summary reports, and the committee started to link projects to Gen Ed.  We continued to implement assessment criteria, design rubrics, and produce reports. As an interdisciplinary department, we assess more than just one discipline such as a critical assessment of Psychology 1101, and Economics 1101. We did a pilot test of a reading rubric, and I submitted summary reports to be used for a middle states review. Since 2014, Tammie Cumming encouraged the committee to become “faculty driven.”  I suggested that given the Assessment of problem areas, how might we improve teaching in these areas?  Given my experience with the Living Lab, I suggested perhaps developing teaching templates to target problem areas such as reading comprehension, or critical thinking.  We had meetings at least once a month including campus wide meetings.

I alone wrote the summary reports for our department that were submitted to the Dean for review.  I worked on the Assessment of student outcomes for critical courses(PSY 1101, ECON 1101).  I wrote up the rational for selecting these courses, prepared the course related and General Education learning outcomes and assessment. Described the assessment tool, and provided analysis (2010-2016), prepared charts of SLOs (2010-2016), discussed improvement plans, and  summary recommendations and goals.

We also had yearly target pilot assessment projects that focused on Gen Ed measures (Reading Comprehension, Critical Thinking, Ethical Reasoning). In the Fall 2012, Prof. Eric Rodriguez assessed his Psychology 2402 course focusing on “Reading Comprehension,” which I summarized for the annual report.  In the Spring 2013, Prof. Walter Brand assessed his Philosophy 2102 course for “Critical Thinking,” and I used his data for the annual report.  Professor Dan McDougall assessed his Philosophy 2103 course in the Spring 2016 for “Ethical Reasoning” which I also summarized for the annual report.


2010-2016 Department Brochures–

I originally developed a brochure for the department in 2010 for the College Open House, but it has since been used within our department for providing students information.  No one initially asked me to make this brochure, but I took the initiative to design and develop it based on information from our Department Website, as I wanted something to give to students asking about our department. This brochure provides information about our faculty, the programs we offer, and our mission statement. Since 2010 I have had to revise and update the brochure to account for new faculty, retired faculty, and a change in Chair.  I also made a Pathways informational brochure as well listing the courses we offer and the pathway’s categories in which they fit.


2010-2016 – Program Review

I worked on Program Review: Sociology Continuous Improvement Plan. (October 2010). I Worked on Program review (2012-2014) – wrote section for Anthropology . I alone wrote the section for Anthropology as none previously existed because Anthropology had been bundled with Sociology. I wrote a brief overview of the discipline, compared the discipline requirements with those at other CUNY colleges, described learning outcomes and assessment measures, described how it met college and pathway requirements, and reviewed syllabi, described pedagogy, use of technology, and future plans for improvement.


2012-2013, 2014-2015 – Job Search Committees

  • 2012-2013 -Within my department we did a job search for Sociology, and I was the Chair of the search sub-committee reviewing the job applicants. We successfully hired a Sociology Professor
  • I worked on the search to hire a Geography/Anthropology specialist. This entailed reviewing over 200 submitted applications, participating in skype and phone interviews, as well as campus visits with the top four candidates. [23.4] (Fall 2014 & Spring 2015)


2015 Social Science Rep for Open House, Sunday October 25, 2015.

I updated a Departmental Brochure that I originally developed in 2010 and developed a new second brochure to explain pathways. I designed and organized printing of these materials. As the Social Science representative, I sat at a table for the day answering student questions and disseminating information.    (Fall 2015)


2012-2014 – Pathways – Common Core 

2012-2013  Updated and revised Pathways applications (ANTH 1101, 1102, 1103, SOC 2201) [23.2].  I resubmitted pathways application for “SOC 2201: Sociology of Aging” [See 23.5] (Fall 2014). When I designed the ANTH 2000 Medical Anthropology course, I again had to prepare the pathways forms. I had to prepare the course submission forms, picking the appropriate pathways category, and filling in how the course fit the learning outcomes for that category, and attached a sample syllabus.


2014 CUNY presentations – Living Lab (Winter/Spring 2014)

working with the Living Lab projects (title V grant.)

* Working with the living lab is considered “vital service to the college” .

  • working with the Living Lab projects (title V grant.)
  • In the Spring I applied and was selected to attended Friday workshops as a Living Lab Associate Fellows. I developed new teaching modules to facilitate Community based learning.  We addressed how these assignments could fit GEN ED requirements.  I won a certificate for “Master of Living Lab for Best Overall Use of General Education Student Learning Outcomes” for a Community based learning exercise addressing gentrification at the Fulton Mall.  In the call to participate for full time faculty, compensation is marked as “vital service to the college.


Title: Living Lab Community Based Learning: Looking At The Fulton Mall Gentrification As A Study of Change, Revitalization, And/Or Hegemony

Abstract: Encouraged by the Living Lab workshops, I introduced a fieldwork research activity to observe, document, and record the businesses and people who occupy and use the Brooklyn Fulton Mall area. Applying theory to real world contexts can help students gain a practical understanding of their application to their everyday lives. This assignment incorporates George Kuh’s high impact educational practices that encourage student retention, and addresses General Education Student Learning Outcomes. This project will be part of a longitudinal study, as each subsequent class will build on the prior classes’ work to document progressive changes and their impact on the community.

City Tech Faculty Research Presentations


 2014 Living Lab Fellow

Awarded certificate for “best overall use of General Education and Student Learning Outcomes” 4/25/14. A series of Friday Workshops took place in Spring 2014 that cumulated in a project presentation.  Based on the Living Lab workshops I was inspired to develop a community based learning project that focuses on the Fulton Mall Gentrification.  Awards were given at the end, and my project was honored for its overall use of General Education goals.


2012-2014  – Arts and Science Committees “Student Retention Committee”

  • Served as member of Arts and Sciences Committees: “Career Opportunities Committee” Chaired by Prof. M. Chowdury and “Core Curriculum Committee” Chaired by Prof. J. Natov. I worked on the Arts and Science Committees “Student Retention Committee” and I co-chaired the LAA subcommittee of the Career Opportunities Communities (see email 3/14/13 “LAA Career Opp thnx.pdf) with Dr. G. Zylstra to work on an informational brochure for students to learn about career opportunities. . It was my idea to include “links” to discipline websites that list job opportunities in more detail. [Nadia Benakli, Chair of Student Retention Committee]

2011-2012 Freshman Commitment Day

  • Attended Freshman Commitment Day as a representative of our department, answered incoming students questions about the Social Science Department, prepared informational social science brochure.

2011-2012 Freshman Commitment Day

2010-2012 Liaison with Library

Liaison with Library to build Sociology/Anthropology Materials. I provided suggestions to the library to update and increase anthropology and sociology texts.

2009-2012 – Judge for NYC Science and Engineering Fair

Participated as a judge for NYC Science and Engineering Fair –( 3/1/09; 3/23/10; 3/6/11; 3/4/12, &3/27/12). This event is sponsored by the City University of New York (CUNY) and New York Department of Education.

2010- -Safe Zone

I participated in a Safe Zone Workshop run by Daniel Fictum– 3/22/10. As a City Tech Safe Zone member I am committed to educating others and myself about people regardless of ethnicity, race, or sexual orientation. By posting a Safe Zone sign in my office, students can recognize that I am part of a tolerant and confidential support network.


2010 – CPE Department Information distributor  –

I was responsible for forwarding information about CPE to faculty in the Social Science Department. Lauren Park would send email to me regarding CPE and I forwarded this information to department faculty. This position started Spring 2010 and ended at the end of the Fall 2010 semester.


2009 STEP Workshop

Attended the Science and Technology Excellence Program (STEP) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (May 26-28, 2009).  The aim was to develop and implement a plan to improve the culture for faculty (With Prof. H. Sisco).  We had a follow-up informational meeting with the Dean and Provost (Fall 2009). I had a follow-up interview with Keith Rainwater 5/21/10.  Dr. Sisco and I worked on encouraging an informal writing group in the department, and a performance type workshop to address key issues and concerns in academia.


2009  Chair of the Sunshine committee

Spring ’09 – I managed funds and organized Spring end of Academic year Social Science Department party.


2008-2009 – Found a Fulbright Visiting Scholar

I was a Fulbright Scholar in Budapest Hungary in 1996 and when the Chair Walter Brand mentioned the opportunity to invite a scholar to our department, I contacted the Fulbright Office in Hungary to see if they knew anyone who might be interested in coming to City Tech.  They contacted scholars and provided us with their applications, and from these the Chair and a Committee selected Professor Istvan Bujalos, a Philosopher from the University of Debrecen. He was accepted and attended Academic Year 2009-2010. I have continued corresponding with Prof. Bujalos and participated in a Conference he organized in Hungary in 2013


Continuing Education: Workshops and Professional Training since Fall 2016 (Original documents scanned on disk – II Prof. Dev “Workshops  Prof Training”)


2017 Book Proposal Bootcamp:

Monday October 23, 2017, 9:30-3:00, 227 Namm.  Emilie C. Boone, African Studies,  Presentation/Workshop Facilitator Kenneth Wissoker, Duke University Press.  Presentations by Annemarie Nicols-Grinenko, University Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, and Daniel McCloskey, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor and University Vice Provost for Research.


2017 Manuscript Bootcamp:

Friday May 12, 2017. Sharon Maynard, Office of Research, 646-664-8920.  Organized by Dr. Mark E. Hauber  Interim University Vice Provost for Research. @CUNYresearch“Location: CUNY Central, 205 E 42nd Street, NYC, NY 10017.

“The aim of the Manuscript Bootcamp is for faculty members to take a day and fully focus on getting started on a new manuscript that they are keen to develop fully. Dedicated time for writing will be interspersed with instant peer-reviews and working groups to discuss issues with getting started on a manuscript, keeping the best suitable and most impactful publication outlets in mind. Faculty from all disciplines and all colleges and schools at CUNY are invited to attend. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. There is a limit of 25 participants: first come/first serve.”


IRB Workshops:

I attended the IRB workshop (Oct 8, 2009) and my application was approved.  I had to submit a continuation of research information and uploaded information to the new system.  I attended another Hands on IRB workshop (January 24, 2012) to learn about the new system. I submitted and gained approval for continuation in April 2013, May 2014, May 2015, July 2016.


2009-2020 Participated in college sponsored seminars, workshops, symposia:

I attend workshops for Blackboard, Student Advisement, Safe Zone, attended Social Science Lectures (10/22/09 – I. Bujalos, H., 11/12, 4/29 – Welfare State), attended faculty poster sessions, attended Sexual Harassment Workshop (10/23), completed workplace violence workshops. Attended a Grade Center class, 9/21/10, and a Websupport workshop 10/12/10.  Participated in Student Advisement Workshop 4/15/10 (Urmi Ghosh-Dastidar). Participated in college mentor program –  Attended Mentor Lunch 11/19/08. (Mentor: Kathy Richardson – Nursing).Attended opening of Psychology Computer Lab, 1/24/11. Attended Asian Diversity Week program. In 2013-2014 I attended Writing Across Curriculum workshop and I worked with a WAC Fellow. Attended May 16, 2012 Diversity Reception. [See Exhibit 25.6]Attended Diversity Conference held at the Grad Center, Friday March 8, 2013 [See Exhibit 25.6].  Attended Faculty Workshop for Blackboard 9/2/08 (, Social Science general Meeting 10/16/08, President Holtzler’s Fall Convocation 10/23/09, Annual Reception for New Faculty 10/29/09, Attended Workshop for Degree Works for Advising Students 11/6/08, Attended Faculty Poster Session 11/13/08, Attended Scholar on Campus Lecture 4/20/09 (For Prof. H. Mc Donald).