A Citizen Jane Review

A determine conservationist, Jane Jacobs dedicated her life to the preservation of Ā New York City as a city where people can live in family oriented neighborhoods. In her devotion she sometimes clash with an individual that had the same devotion to reshape the city in a completely different way. The powerful City Planner Robert Moses had a vision to transform the city, and believed it should be renewed, but in the course of his transformation process lives were being destroyed. Families were forced to move, making way for high rise apartment complexes and highways that will snake through their neighborhoods. In a non Democratic way, Mr Moses and his like minded politicians will force changes onto neighborhood without consulting them. He forced every changes he deem necessary regardless of what the neighborhood inhabitants opinions were. The cross Bronx expressway and the way he wanted to force the expressway in lower Manhattan are cases in point. For a city the size of New York City with 8 million inhabitants, Mrs Jacobs fight for the preservation of some areas were necessary to maintain the fabric of the neighborhood, but when considering cities the size of New Delhi and Beijing, planners might have to put more consideration into housing itā€™s citizen then creating true neighborhoods. The failed high rise experiences in cities across the U.S might be looked upon differently in much larger cities. The cities of China and Indian do not have the baggage of racism because of their very homogeneous societies. In a book by Richard Rothstein, The Color Of Law ā€œ A forgotten history of how our Government segregated Americanā€, Mr Rothstein document the true nature behind many of those high rise building complexes. Those buildings were never built with good intentions, so they were destined for failure.

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