West Harlem

The street that I live on is unique. I live in Manhattan, to be more specific West Harlem. But to be even more specific, I live on 126 Street and Broadway Ave. I’ve been living here since I was 8 months, so practically my whole life. Harlem has been known to be a dangerous community, but I’m going to have to disagree. You see, living in Harlem has many advantages. I live on a six-story building and that’s pretty much the height of all the buildings around this street. There are many affordable housing buildings as well, which are tall. Most of the buildings facades are brick, some red or brown or white bricks. Most of these building are over 100 years old. But with new construction around the block, glass is starting to show more. Is very interesting to see the change of materials in the neighborhood. My block has all brick buildings and across the street there the buildings facades are just glass. I just interesting how materials on buildings can impact your feelings. Brick is more classy and rusty giving sense of history. Where glass gives that feeling of modern and futuristic.

Another important feature about this street, is that we have many means of transportation. The 1 train is just a block away, which you can take to 42nd Street and connect to other train lines. Or you can walk to the A, B, C, D train. There are also many bus lines that can take you to Bronx, Lower and Upper Manhattan, and Queens. Another splendid feature is that you find a Deli around each corner. Aside from Deli’s, there is a strip of stores running from 125th street and St. Nicholas Ave. all the way to 125th street and 5th Ave. You can find anything in those stores, from food, clothing, shoes, and pharmacies.

Something that I love about my street is the diversity. My street or what everyone here calls it “my block,” is mixed with many cultures. There are Jamaicans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and many more. The people here are very energetic and colorful. Everyone in the block pretty much knows each other and every morning you are greeted by the neighbors. Every summer the block is very loud with many types of music playing and BBQ’s. Due to Columbia’s new campus, there has also been an increase of college student moving in and that’s even more diversity coming into the block.

Another excellent feature will be the number of parks surrounding us. The most renovated park is the West Harlem Piers. It was completed approximately 5 years ago. This park is a place where families go have picnics, or go for a jog, to ride the bike, to fish or just to enjoy the view of the water, New Jersey and the George Washington Bridge. There is the Sakura Park, Riverside State Park, and other smaller playgrounds.

The past few years I started noticing that the neighborhood is being gentrified. Columbia University started a 10-year plan. This 10-year plan consists of 3 new buildings that will form part of Columbia’s campus. These buildings took down 2 restaurants, 2 gas stations and a few apartment buildings.

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