Solo vacation

when you have finally brainstormed your destination of choice; your next move is to decide whether to roll out with an entourage, or by yourself. There are both advantages, and disadvantages to both. A few advantages, and disadvantages or traveling with a group are listed below.

ADVANTAGES: Sometimes a solo mission is what one really needs in life to cleanse his or her palette, and be ready for what life has to throw at them next. The perks of a solo mission; you are free to move at your own pace, do whatever you feel is right for the moment, and can go about doing these things virtually undisturbed by anyone else.


DISADVANTAGES: Though some may be up to the challenge; solo vacations require the vacationeer to wear many hats, including that of: trip planner, even coordinator, budgeteer, and designated driver. This challenge might be a bit discouraging for others who see vacation as a way to escape responsibility rather than inherit it.