Introduction/ Proposal

Hello! and welcome to the page of SCLD vacation planning. our goal is to help you, the visitor, to plan the extravagant vacation you’ve been dreaming of for the smallest budget possible. Among our group of seasoned personal are: Chris, who is our beyond well traveled expert, specializing in methods of transportation to get to your dream destination. Limmeur, or Lee, who is our budget specialist, with the perfect method to help you pile up the currency to depart on your dream journey. David, who is our hotel, motel, hostel specialist, directing you to the most comfortable accommodations one can possibly think of. The staff also includes Sam, our party animal expert, directing you in the ways of eating, drinking, and partying accordingly.

Seeing how everyone in group has a taste for traveling, and experiencing life abroad. Demonstrating how to plan a vacation according seemed like a no brainer for our final project. we plan to use Chris’ expertise on transportation, Limmeur’s expertise on budgeting, David’s thorough knowledge of hotels, and Sam’s expertise on nightlife and partying. All together everyone provides an essential piece of the puzzle in planning a great vacation.


We have tried our hardest to design a user friendly webpage, which easily provides the web visitor with the essential information to navigate the site accordingly. We designed a drop down menu divided into sections to provide a easy to follow path for the site visitor to obtain the information he or she is looking for. There is also a power point to accompany the website, which breaks down the lay out of the website even more thoroughly. We truly believe that there is absolutely no way the reader can get lost.