What is one thing you want to learn deeply?

What I want to know deeply is digital art. Why you may ask? I always had a thing for expressing art using digital technology as a way to create. Growing up technology played a huge part in my life because my brothers knew about computer science and knew how to repair them. I always thought that was fascinating but I also had this artistic side to me. I know how to paint, draw and sculpt physically but allowing myself to start new on a computer, is a new experience I want to learn. Most of the shows we watched on TV or in the movie theater was created from digital arts. For example, I love Toy Story which was created on a computer, I want someone to appreciate movies created from digital software and story told from it. Many wonder if digital art is better than traditional art but in my opinion, they’re both equal, no one is better than the other. They both allow you to create and explore ideas. Digital art isn’t easy as it seems, takes a ton of practice in terms of shape, detail, contrast, materials, and lighting. When I was younger I had time to express myself in art and was even in a program up until 7th grade but time played a huge part. Once I was in high school I was more focused on school and work that I completely forgot about art and what actually gave me happiness. Knowing more information about digital art, I was pulled in and want to invest my time into becoming a pro in it. Everyone is able to become a professional artist, it just has to deal with believing in yourself, staying true to the course and being patient.