Hello class,

First off, may we never have to use these.

But with the hot summer comes the very real possibility that the school will close, and administration will consider taking our afternoon and evening classes online for certain days (to save money on energy).

Regularly check your school email to see if classes are going online.

Here is where our class sessions will be held in the event of a school closure:
Online Office / Online Classroom

If in the event that we must take a test online, you will have to submit your test via DropBox.

DropBox is cloud file storage, and you will be receiving your graded tests from me in a DropBox folder that I will share with you specifically. The DropBox app can be saved on your phone and you can use DropBox to scan documents and save them as a single, multi-page PDF file. CUNY will not accept any other file type (So that means photos from your phone will not be acceptable. I will personally dock 10 points for anyone who does not have it in the correct file format).

It helps to have the DropBox app on your phone because you can create a multi-page PDF using said app. Here is a video of Professor Kan using the DropBox app to submit files.

You must submit the test with the following format:

  • PhotoID card atop 1st page (DON’T COVER ANY WORK!)
  • Filename: Lastname_Firstname_Test1.pdf
  • examples of proper format (w/ students’ consent)