Final presentation



The final presentations will take place in the last few weeks of class, but we will begin working on them early in the semester.

Briefly stated, each student will give a 6 to 8 minute speech/ presentation on a topic of their choice that been approved by the instructor. Each speaker will have their speech organized on an outline that closely follows their presentation.

The final presentations are also your “oral examination.” You will be graded on three things: Your content, your presentation and your outline. These speeches should be well organized, interesting and delivered in a professional, formal style.

On this page you will find links to all of the documents related to the Final Presentation assignment. Click on the blue, bolded headings to get a copy of each document.

Final Presentation Assignment
This is the assignment, with detailed information aboutĀ what you will be graded on, and step-by-step instructions for choosing a topic, doing research, organizing your outline and presenting.

Blank Outline
This is a blank outline for the presentation. It provides the necessary structure for the entire presentation, including the Intro, Body and Conclusion. It contains step-by-step prompts where you can simply add the contents of your speech. Get started organizing your speech as early as you can. At the bottom of the Blank Outline there is a checklist of all the parts your speech should have.

Model Outline (Health Communication Speech)
This document gives you an actual finished outline. This is my speech, and you can use it as an example to model your own presentation after. While studying the outline, you may also want to refer to my PowerPoint that appears about half way through lecture 7, when I will present this speech.

Final Presentation Evaluation FormĀ 
This is the form we will be using to evaluate the final presentations. This form tells you precisely what criteria I am using to assign grades on the Final Presentations. The evaluation form is divided into three sections: 1) Content 2) Presentation and 3) Outline. Get to know each of these criteria and refer back to them when you are preparing your final presentation. On presentation days, the class will also be using this form to evaluate speakers. For student evals, even more important than circling the numbers are detailed comments showing you were following along, and the constructive criticism that you offer to the speaker. Please note that students viewing the presentations will not have access to the outlines, so you don’t need to complete the second page. However, get to know this criteria as well, because it is what I will be using to to evaluate your outline.

About Citation: Frequently Asked Questions
Your Final Presentation requires three sources, cited in three places (In-text; in the Works Cited Section; and out loud while you are speaking). This document goes intoĀ more preciseĀ detail about how to cite sources. Read it carefully and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Please note that not properly citing your sources will be considered plagiarism and you will receive an F for the assignment. So follow these instructions closely.

APA Citation Quick Guide
There are different ways or “styles” of citing sources, such as MLA, Chicago and APA. Because I am a behavioral science researcher I prefer the APA style, which stands for The American Psychological Association. This document provides instructions on how to cite all kinds of sources correctly.

Links Page
This page contains dozens of interesting articles related to communication in professional life. The articles are listed under content areas, such as interviews, the economy, and by profession. Click on these links and read the articles to inspire you to come up with a topic. You can even use these articles for your Final Presentation, but I want you to also find three of your own articles on your own as well to get an idea of the research process.

If you are seeking additional information about the Final Presentation Assignment, I am happy to help.

Prof. Lee