Team Vocabulary – Weekly

Ames Lettering Guide: A tool used to help correctly form letters.
Nita V
Analysis: To take “inventory” and determine the assets and the liabilities.
Nita V
Angle of repose: is the angle that the sloping face of a bank of earth or gravel or other material makes with the horizontal.
Debora T
A note in a drawing
Nita V
Architectural Column:
It’s purely decorative, Does not support any loads. Jeffrey R
Assembly: fitting together of parts to make a whole
Debora T
Atrium: an open space with a roof, and contained within a building that is intended for occupancy.
Debora T
Attic: the space between the ceiling joists and the roof rafters above.
Debora T
Axonometric: In 3-D representation axonometric combines plan and elevation information in its projection on a drawing. Such a drawing is measured along 3 axes in 3 directions meaning x, y, and z axes. As part of axonometric we have isometric and plan oblique.
Debora T                                                                                                                                               Backer Rod: Foam rod that goes between joints then get calked at the front exterior.     Jeffrey R
Ballast: anything heavy carried in a ship hold as to give stability.
Debora T
Baseline Grid: A series of non-pointing, evenly-spaced, horizontal guides. Each indicates where the base of lower-case letters sits, used to align to common reference points.
Debora T
Basement: is located below grade level and supports a superstructure above it. Debora T
Bitmap: A type of memory organization or image file format used to store digital images.
Debora T
Building Code: is the set of codes explaining and ruling the construction of a building and the hazardous materials or equipment used inside.
Debora T
Building Element: any building component that makes up a building, such as walls, columns, floors, and beams, so load-bearing and non-load-bearing elements. Debora T
Caissons: are drilled holes into the ground and filled with concrete, and it is similar to pile.
Debora T
Caulk: a low-range sealant
Debora T
Circulation: Examples are public and vehicular transportation
Nita V
CMU: stands for concrete masonry units
Debora T
Column: a compression structural member of a house or building.
Debora T
Component: serving as one of the parts of a whole.
Debora T
Condensation: is the reduction of a gas to a liquid.
Debora T
Construction assembly: are building materials used together to create a structure or building element
Debora T
Construction Documents: are many written, graphic, electronic, and pictorial documents describing the design, location, and physical characteristics of the elements of the project with the objective of getting a building permit.
Debora T
Construction Drawings: are the floor plans, elevations, schedules, legends, notations, and other drawing details explaining what is being built and included as part of the construction documents.
Debora T
Crawl space: is a space below the first floor housing installations such as electrical, mechanical, and plumbing.
Debora T
Culvert: a structure or opening that is not a bridge that allows water to pass under a passage or road – an example of it was at the Brooklyn Bridge Park going down the steps by the tensioned fence area.
Debora T
Default: To revert to automatically or a preselected option.
Nita V
Dowel: allowing for movement a dowel is a short cylindrical rod of wood or steel. In construction a steel dowel ties either a column or wall to a foundation. Additionally a dowel serves as a link between different sections of concrete wall etc…
Debora T
Drain pipe: any pipe that carries wastewater in a building.
Debora T
Egress Court: an outside space with 3 sides building walls open to the sky that provides access to a public way.
Debora T
Egress: an architecture term describing a way out or exit. Debora T
Engineers’ Title Block:

Erosion: movement of soil or rock, fragments by water, wind, ice, and gravity. Debora T
Excavation: The acts of taking materials, and consequently the hollow or depression after the materials have been removed.
Debora T
Exit passageway: a fire-rated section of a means of egress that provides a protected path of egress in a horizontal direction to the exit.
Debora T
Expansion joint: as implied an expansion joint allows space on a surface to expand. Debora T
Family: a group of things having a common source or similar features.
Debora T
Fire Protection: the term refers to chemically treated assemblies that can potentially prevent or retard the spread of fire and smoke.
Debora T
Foundation Footing: Influenced by many factors including; weights, loads, regional differences, soil, and frost line.
Debora T
Foundation: the portion of a structure below ground level that supports and distributes the pressure to the soil.
Debora T
Free water: soil water that moves by gravity.
Debora T
Friction connection: is a bolted structural steel connection relying on friction between 2 connected elements.
Debora T
Frost line: Depth above which the ground freezes.
Debora T                                                                                                                                                Furring: A thick piece of metal that gives space for sheet rock to work.                                Jeffrey R
Galvanized finish: mesh, nails, screws, metal fences coated with zinc and other chemicals to prevent rusting.
Debora T
Galvanizing: Applying a zinc coating to metal to prevent rust and deterioration.
Debora T
Gasket: is a dry mechanical seal that prevents leakage from and into two surfaces under compression.
Debora T
Grade: the slope or elevation of the land from flat (horizontal).
Debora T
Grid: A series of lines, vertical and horizontal, that divide a page to help in the positioning of elements within a layout.
Debora T
Groundwater: free subsurface water at and below the water table.
Debora T
Grout: is a soft material used to fill joints between tiles.
Debora T
Hatching: a hatched drawing shows a series of more or less parallel lines. These parallel lines are made by short or long strokes. One can use a ruler or simply draw freehand. It can be done with either a pencil, lead holder, or a very thin Micron pen. Once these drawn lines merge with each other they form a tonal value. The spaces and density of the lines determine lightness or darkness of a value (gray to black). The bottom line is that a hatched drawing shows texture.
Debora T
Hosting: we use the word hosting in several ways such as when applied within computer terminology referring to an Internet provider hosting a certain website. In construction we could use the word hosting while explaining that a certain nut is hosting a bolt or hosting meaning supporting as in the example of level 1 hosting independent level 2.
Debora T
Infiltration: is the entry of water downward into the immediate surface.
Debora T
Integral: means essential as an integral part of something. And, in Math has to do with an integer or integers, not fractional.
Debora T
Isometric: Is a type of axonometric projection that provides a lower-angle view than a plan oblique. Equal emphasis is given to the 3 major planes (x, y, and z). Debora T
Iteration: The possible solutions, options, versions.
Nita V
Layout plan: a drawing that locates site elements to be constructed and elements dimensions.
Debora T
Node: A point, using information, used to make a decision with signage “like a bump”. Nita V
Nominal dimension: the identifying dimensions of a piece of lumber for example a 2” x 4” that are larger than the actual dimension of 1 ½ x 3 ½ inches. Debora T.
Non-photo Blue Pencil:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Orthomode (Cadd): Keeps the lines locked vertically or horizontally.                                Jeffrey R

Parameters(Revit): The measurable factor that forms or defines a system or set of conditions
Debora T
Parametric Design: The set of processes involved in creating design drawings. Based on defined relationships and related dimensional values these drawing can, typically, bee altered and adjusted if changes in parameter values are made.
Debora T
Parametric: “A way of describing things”.
Nita V
Parapet: is an external projection above or at the level of the roof at an exterior wall of a building.
Debora T
Poché: Originally a French word meaning pocher or “to make a rough sketch.” In drawing poché shows the solid elements in a building rendered in solid black by darkening the space between the lines which usually represent wall thickness on a floor plan.
Debora T
Prefabricated fence: ready to assemble fence made with posts and panels that are pre-fabricated of wood, metal, or PVC plastic.
Debora T
Quick Access: A toolbar filled with some popular commands such as the cursor icon, used to terminate a command.
Debora T
RCP: Reflected Ceiling Plan
Nita V
Rebar: short for reinforcement bar.
Debora T

Regen: (CADD Term) – Regenerates the extends of the drawing, Helps you zoom out.        Jeffrey R

Rendering: is data translation process that describes various objects, such as lighting and texture, from a scene into an image on the computer.                                              Debora T                                                                                                                                Ribbon (Revit): The window at the top, it hosts a series of useful tabs.                  Debora T

Schedule: is a cataloged list of information defining doors, windows, or finishes of a room. In a set of construction documents schedule has the purpose of providing clarification, location, sizes, materials, etc…
Debora T
Setback: The distance a building or part of a building is set back from the property line.
Nita V
Shade: refers to the comparatively dark values of surfaces turned away from a light source.
Debora T
Shadows: are the comparatively dark values cast by an object or part of an object on a surface that would otherwise be illuminated by a light source.
Debora T
Siamese connection: are 2 connected fire hoses with pipes that allow fitting to a single standpipe at one single location.
Debora T                                                                                                                                                Spandrel Glass: It’s a type of glass that you cant see through.                                                Jeffrey R
Structural Column: These vertical supports help resist the loads of the floors above. Jeffrey R
Structural Engineer: a licensed professional who designs loadbearing structures such as buildings and bridges. Debora T
Team Work: A coordinated effort by a group of two or more with a common goal or objective. Prof. Paul King
Two Means of Egress: For the safety of the public there are two alternating paths to exit a structure in case of an emergency.                                                                             Jeffrey R
Vector Drawing: Done in both 2D and 3D, these drawings are lines, planes, and geometric shapes drawn in “virtual” space. X, Y, and Z are used to describe its height, width, and depth.
Debora T
Veneer: a non-structural, decorative facing of block or brick.
Debora T
Verbose: To express in more words than are needed.
Nita V
Water table: the level below which the ground is saturated.
Debora T
Weep-hole: A small opening in the outer wall of masonry construction used as an outlet for water inside a building to more or evaporate.
Nita V
Z-Space-E (Revit): The zoom-out command.
Nita V

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