Time Capsule

Hello me from the end-of-the-semester, 

I’ve hoped this semester you have pushed yourself to be your best self this semester. Yes, I know you have struggled and lost a lot of sleep but you know that was worth it. I hope that this semester you have stopped being afraid to ask for help and that you contacted the writing center for your essays. I’d hope you have done your work on time or even done some work ahead, to help you stay on track and become less stressed. I believe this semester a struggle you may have phased is staying focused and time management. There also might have been different things that you need to prioritize as not important or could have been done later but I know you learned your lesson and you will know how to prioritize your schoolwork. Another struggle you may have phased is your writing and when writing essays let’s just say you are not the greatest but I hope that you have built confidence in your writing because I believe that you are willing and able to write ” college worth level essays”. With all that being said, I hope you did your best.