Sakeru Gummy or better known as long long man is a 2017 tv commercial that started with a lot of ads that was inspiring to others who just wanted to grab their hands on that new brand candy made in japan .

Aunt Jemima pancakes is a well known ad that was produced in the 1888 to 1889 . it shows how good her Mable syrup was but now with 2020 generation they are now in my opinion changing everything about history and not letting new generations of society learn the history of black people creations and inventions
uncle ben rice is another creation of food products that they are changing the course of history that they don’t want people to know . in Houston Texas Uncle Ben’s rice was first marketed in 1943 and was the top-selling rice in the United States from 1950 until the 1990s. its very important for people to know their history of black African Americans developing food products especially if it being put out there on tv ad commercial through the media for people to see