A language is a form of communication created by humans to help civilization comprehend different communicative methods such as writing and speech. Language can also be defined as a tool used by specific cultures to help depict meanings of worldly things and can have different or similar pronunciations that can become understood through separate contexts, depending on the culture. Other forms of communication include written and visual. We can distinguish these forms from verbal and non-verbal communication by understanding that language is a structure that relies on verbal and non-verbal social interactions that help us process information. Whereas, communication is the information that is being processed. The basis of communication does not change but new information or words can be added to communicate more information in a comprehensive manner.

Symbols and icons are a direct source of the initial beginning of language and speech. They help create a sense of connectivity and easy access to information to help humanity comprehend meanings in a simpler form and to navigate life in general. An independent form of language that is represented through metaphors. Icons and symbols can represent a word or an object without any actual written words or verbal communication. Signifiers and the signified can be defined as arbitrary, having a signifier without a signified can produce no actual meaning, which is understood as the signified being changeable with each person and the context that they use.

Language shapes design by bringing information to design concepts. Instead of onlookers admiring just an aesthetic, they are also able to process the message that is being incorporated into that design. Colors, fonts, icons, and shapes are all elements of visual designs. Designers use these visual design elements to communicate their message. A design allows for experimental stylish ways of conveying information, from the typography of words to color schemes, illustrations, and photography. Design can grab the attention of consumers that words just cannot. In today’s culture, people need language to understand a design, they go hand in hand. Not only do you need the information but a great design concept to really sell the whole package.