Self Reflection, Luisa Alzate RN

The community health course has been very interesting. I have learned the responsibilities of a community nurse, and the impact this nurses have on the community. I enjoyed researching about the different communities and learning the importance of having knowledge about the health disparities within the community.  Preventive health and community education is the main goal of a community health nurse.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behavior and appearance.

I believe I have been very professional throughout the course. During my clinical I dress appropriately with a white shirt and black pants, making sure I look professional neat and decent. I get to my clinical site on time at 8:30am, as is stated on the syllabus. During clinical conference, I participate by sharing with my colleagues the experience I had that clinical day with the patients I interacted. I make sure patient confidentiality is kept by not saying the patient’s name or giving out any information to anyone else. During my educational sections I prepare myself with the proper information to educate this community. I do all my assignments on time. However, whenever I feel like I need clarification about any assignment, I contact the professor.

Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.

The first steps I do when I get a patient assign in my clinical site is find information about the patient on the chart, then ask the nurse about the patient, and lastly I interview the patient. This information is collected and assesses, so I am able to address the health problems and try to work on it with the patient. As I interact with the patient I learn about his/her culture, religion, spiritual influences and emotions. In our clinical site we were not able to do a complete physical assessment, or give medication. Instead we were able to interact with the patient, learn about their culture and see how they really manage their disease. I was able to educate my patient by giving her tips on how to manager her illness.  Throughout the semester she would verbalize that what I taught her about managing the disease was working for her. This really made an impact on me, and I was happy to hear it.

Objective 3: effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.

When I interact with the patients I was able to practice my communication skills by asking open-ending questions. This allowed me to get more information from the client and to develop and therapeutic relationship with the patient. I did not need to report any information to the nurse of the patient due to the fact that my patient was stable. I had a great relationship with my instructor, and classmates. I was able to communicate effectively with my professor, classmates, patients, and staff from the clinical setting.

Objective 4: establish environmental conductive to learning and use a plan for learners base on evidence-base practice.

I had the opportunity to teach my individual patient about way to manage her illness and how to reduce the side effects of the medication she was taken. I would ask my patient if she remember what I taught her the week before, and she would verbalize what I told her. In fact, she thank me for teaching her how to manage her illness. I also had the opportunity to teach all the seniors about ways of managing hypertension. I was able to answer questions the seniors had and interact with all of them. At the end of my presentation I would let the seniors verbalized what they learn from the educational section.

Objective 5: Utilized informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.

In my clinical setting I was not able to utilize nursing informatics, their charts not computerized. However, I was able to use my computer to do research on some of the diagnosis my patient had. I would print the information and bring into the clinical setting.

Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development.

I love to learn new things and be on date with my practice. Monthly, I get the spectrum and advance magazine. I love to read their articles and keep myself inform about the new ways of caring for the patient. In fact, I apply some of the things they say about community health nursing. I work at a adult day health care program so this is very important for me to apply and improve my practice as well as in the clinical site. I always think about ways of improving my practice as a nurse and become better each day.

Objective 7: Incorporates professional nursing standards and accountability into practice.

During my clinical I make sure I practice within my scope of practice. Making sure I give care to the patient according to the agency standards of practice and American Nurse Association Standards in clinical practice. The professor was very clear to us about what we are able to do and what we are not. Confidentiality and safety were the topics mostly emphasized at the clinical site.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support person and members of the health care team.

During my clinical we were able to speak to one of the nurses who gave us an overview of what her job was like and how she does to manage this community center. I got to ask her questions about my patient, she would give me feedback on why they would manage care the way they do. I would tell her why I believe it would be important to incorporate other interventions to my patient. I address to my patient different ways of managing her disease by changing her lifestyle and do what the doctor told her as directed to improve her health.

Objective 9: recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic force that affects the delivery of health care service.

During this course I realized how the health care service is giving according to the demographic area. In fact, I was shocked to learn that areas with low income families have different issues like lack of healthcare services. I learn that geographic areas are expose to different types of diseases due to the environment, population, and economic. During my clinical, we did a walk through the area where the center was located. We assessed the area and found some signs of despairs within this community.  We discuss with our professor ways of improving healthcare in this community, and how the community health nurse can help the community.



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