Tag Archives: At the Mountain of Madness

At the Mountains of Madness (Create Post Group 3)

As we approached this foreign land the peaks of these monstrous mountains could be seen from miles away. Their bases hidden within the clouds, we drew closer to what we thought was land. Waves could be heard crashing along the coast line. Ice from glaciers falling off in the distance sounded like explosions from an enemy above. We had no idea what we were in for. Upon arrival, we noticed pieces of one of the planes sent the night before, scattered along the ice bed. Curious to find its source we began walking up the hills. Eventually one of the camp grounds was found nearly pulverized by snow build up and torn walls. The wind from the storm seemed to have completely destroyed our men’s shelter. Further down the hills we discovered the bodies of the dogs. None of them survived. It was extremely difficult to keep our personal emotions out of this situation especially when I discovered the bodies of six imperfect monstrosities buried in snow graves. I couldn’t tell the men about this, they would freak out. Who would possibly take the time to arrange these dead men like this? What was their motive? Were we next? I fear the safety of the remaining men, but we couldn’t let this stop us. The expedition must push forward in the name of science.

Within pages 100-104, the scientist began exploring new land. They discovered giant mountains, and the death of the men who left the day before. They were caught in a storm which may possibly be the cause of the destruction of the camp, and equipment. However something seemed off when the bodies of six men were discovered.