Weekly Schedule (updated 10/3)

Week 1: Introductions

8/29 – Introductions. HW: fill out Google Forms survey; read syllabus and pp. 1003-1006 of “Elements of Fiction


8/31 – “Elements of Fiction” – Plot. Quiz 1


Week 2: Using the Elements

9/7 – Elements of Fiction Quiz #2; Alice Walker, “Everyday Use”.  Blog group 1 post due.


Week 3: Intro to American Literature: The Early Days


9/12 – Irving, “Rip Van Winkle.  Blog group 2 post due


9/14 – Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown.” Quiz 3; essay 1 explained; begin work on using quotations.  Blog group 3 post due.


Week 4: 19th Century America

9/19 – Stephen Crane.  Quiz #3.  Blog group 4 post due. Start work on Essay #1.  

9/21 – Kate Chopin.  Blog group 5 post due.


Week 5: American Modernism

9/26 – Hemingway (excerpts from In Our Time).  Blog group 6 post due.


9/28 – Flannery O’Connor, “A Good Man Is Hard To Find”; “A Reasonable Use Of The Unreasonable.”  Bring copy of Walker.  Blog group 1 post due.


Week 6:

10/3: No class.  Essay 1 due online at 4 pm.


10/5 – Mukherjee, “The Management of Grief”.  Essay 1 hard copy due in class.  Must be identical to copy submitted online.  Different online and physical versions will result in point deductions.  



10/6 – Joyce, “The Dead”

Blog group 2 post due by 5 pm the previous day.


Week 7: NO CLASS


Week 8: Joyce

10/17 – Joyce, “The Dead”

Blog group 3 post due post due by 5 pm the previous day.


10/19 – In-class writing assignment on “The Dead” AND “The Management of Grief.” Intro to Dr. Moreau

Essay #2 assigned today.

HW: Introduction, Ch. 1-7 of Moreau


Week 9: Dr. Moreau



Blog group 4 post due by 5 pm the previous day.

HW: read ch. 8-14; blog; review notes from class



Blog group 5 post due by 5 pm the previous day.

HW: read ch. 15-18; blog


Week 10: Dr. Moreau

10/31 –

Blog group 6 post due by 5 pm the previous day. Midterm grades released.

HW: read ch. 19-22



11/2 Dr. Moreau

In class exercises on Essay 2.

Blog group 1 post due by 5 pm the previous day.



Week 11: Dr. Moreau; Lovecraft

11/7 – Dr Moreau debate.  HW: finish Essay 2


11/9 – Lovecraft “At The Mountains Of Madness”

HW: finish Essay 2.  


Week 12: Lovecraft

11/14 – Lovecraft.  Blog group 2 post due by 5 pm the previous day.

11/16 – Lovecraft. Blog group 3 post due by 5 pm the previous day.


Week 13: Lovecraft

11/21 – Lovecraft.  Blog group 4 post due by 5 pm the previous day.  Essay #3 Assigned.  


11/23 – Lovecraft. Blog group 5 post due by 5 pm the previous day.  


Week 14: Things Fall Apart

11/28 – Things Fall Apart, ch. 1-4. Blog group 6 post due by 5 pm the previous day.

11/30 – Things Fall Apart, ch. 5-8.  Blog group 1 post due by 5 pm the previous day.


Week 15: Things Fall Apart

12/5 – Things Fall Apart, ch. 9-13. Blog group 2 post due by 5 pm the previous day.

12/7 – Things Fall Apart, part IIBlog group 3 post due by 5 pm the previous day.


Week 16

12/12 – Things Fall Apart, part III.  Blog group 4 post due by 5 pm the previous day.


12/14 – Paper 3, exam prep. Blog groups 5 + 6 post due by 5 pm the previous day.


Week 17: Finale

12/19 -Essay #3 Due. Exam Prep. 
12/21 – Final Exam

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