Monologue from Prendick perspective

(Prendick thoughts while on the brig that picked him up).

“After several months of being stranded on this wretched island, I’m finally headed back to mankind. I look to the sky, lost in deep thoughts of what will happen when I return back to civilization. What will things be like? Will my interaction will normal human beings be differently? I constantly wonder what changes have taken place since my time away and how differently will being around normal humans affect me. Will I ever be the same after seeing and experiencing the horrors of that island? Such questions puzzled me. I believe after witnessing such tragedies and horrific creatures, my view and outlook on life will be completely different. I won’t ever able to unseen that island and those grotesque creatures and what pain they have caused me upon my arrival to my departure on that island. Although I am ecstatic of getting far away from that island, my mind won’t let me leave happily because of the thoughts of living a normal life from here on forward.


This monologue from Prendick’s perspective offers more insight into one my guiding questions from chapter 19-22 because from reading those last few chapters, I wondered if Prendick’s life will ever be the same when he gets off that island. After witnessing all that he has, it had to leave some long term effects on him and his mind because he seen these creatures and their true animals instinct no matter how humanlike Moreau tried to make them. I didn’t think that Prendick will conform back to his original lifestyle because of the permanent mark these creatures have instilled upon him. And just as we learn at the end he finds it difficult to live his life normally because as Prendick stated, “I could not get away from the men; their voices came through the windows; into the streets to fight with my delusion…” He never were able to get his old life back, those creatures would haunt his mind where ever he goes.

Clue The Island of Dr.Moreau

The theme of distinction between men and animal has been brought up throughout the story multiple time. Prendick sides with the fact that animals are animals no matter if you try to scientifically transform them into a human creation. While Montgomery thought are opposite and felt as if he can relate to these beast men. A snapshot that I look closely on said, “Every now and then I would come upon one or other running on toes and fingertips, and quite unable to recover the verticals attitude. They held things more clumsily; drinking by suction, feeding by gnawing, grew commoner everyday. I realized more keenly than ever what Moreau had told me about the “stubborn beast flesh.” they were reverting, and reverting very rapidly” (159). This snapshot offers a clue to my guiding question which is does this island hold a connection between itself and the “real world” outside of it? Now reading this I believe it does because these beast went back to their natural instincts of their animal side once they felt has if there were no higher power you could say to order them around. It’s just like us human now if it weren’t for beliefs or government or any of those things we would fall back to what we know best and that is survival. This is the point where it all comes back to where these beast just a failure from the start were they even worth putting in the effort to be seen as humans. I think yes with the way things were going before Dr.Moreau died they had all the rights to be seen as human because just as we got taught from right to wrong by laws they were doing the exact thing. We have more things in common with these beast then we thing we do.

Create: Hyena-Swine Monologue

“Every time the man with the whip prepares for his meal, something smell especially good. A lot better than what I found to eat in the woods. And when I saw Leopard man hunt for the rabbit, I  want in on that. But the master knows everything, and that is why they cornered Leopard man. And now the master is dead, that 5-fingers man is no master, he bleed and feel pain just like the rest of us. I will hunt on all four for flesh, this some how come very naturally to me. Sucking up water in all four is so satisfying, I didn’t feel bad for the dog man I ate. In fact I bet the 5-fingers man taste just as good too, and I will chase after him. ”

This is the monologue of the Hyena-swine, he has retrogress to his beast form and finds it much fulfilling. My guiding question was what does the animal represent? The dog man has loyal just like the characteristic, he has to find a master to obey to, and he die fulfilling his master’s wish. It is a tragic but the Dog-man probably feels he fulfilled his purpose. The Dog-Man represent loyalty.

“The two most formidable Animal Men were my Leopard-man and a creature made of Hyena and swine.”

The Hyena-swine are two animals who eat meat naturally, and the way Moreau force them to obey the law to not eat flesh is unnatural to him. I would say the Leopard man and Hyena-swine represent revolt, he was being oppressed under Dr. Moreau’s law and when he saw Leopard-man broke the law, a part of Hyena-swine beast habitat tells him to do so too. But he was afraid of the House of Pain, but he sees that the master fears them too and the master bleed just like them. Hyena-swine knows he no longer have to be obeys the law, he no longer have to oppress his thirst for living his natural form.

HW for November 2; extension; Blog group 1 instructions

Dear class,

Thank you for bringing your A-game to class today.  Some truly excellent discussion which I hope continues.

For homework:

-note that Essay 2 is due on 11/9 now, NOT 11/7!  See the updated reading schedule for details.

read ch. 19-22 of Moreau.  As you near the end, see if you can pinpoint the climax (point of highest dramatic tension) in the novel.  Where and when does it happen?  Why do you think Wells chose that moment to place at the climax?

Also, continue to compare Prendick-narrator to Prendick-character.  At what points does Wells use zero focalization, and what points internal focalization, to tell the story?  Why does he move from one to the other at the moments that he does?  How does Prendick’s character development shed light on any of the themes (e.g. colonialism, race, science vs religion, savagery vs civilization)? As usual, come prepared to discuss these questions.

2.  Blog by Tuesday at 5 (if in Blog group 1) or comment by beginning of class (if not).  I have noticed a drop in the punctuality of the blogs – remember that it’s your responsibility to keep track of when the blog is due, please.  I unfortunately no longer have time to send courtesy reminders.

Blog group 1: as usual, you have a choice of Clue, Connect, or Create posts, with the expectation that you should do a different category than you did in the first round of blogging.

Using notes from class + our own guiding questions, write a post that does any of the following:

Clue: focuses on one “snapshot” from ch. 19-22 of Moreau, that addresses any of your guiding questions, or seems to offer insight to any of the themes we’ve touched on in class.  Referring to specific elements of fiction, explain how the scene might offer a clue to answering one of your guiding questions.

Compares/connects any “snapshot” from ch. 19-22 to any snapshot we discussed from ch. 1-18.  Try to make one claim about why comparing those snapshots help you answer your guiding question.

Create a paragraph-long monologue from the perspective of one character (major or minor) from ch. 19-22. In a second paragraph, briefly explain how your monologue offers insight into answers to one of your guiding questions.

3. Begin writing Essay #2, if you haven’t already.  Bring what you have to class on Wednesday.

Happy Halloween!

Dr.Moreau and His Law (The Religion of the Island)

As we discussed in class, there is this law that these beast people follow as they live on the island that is the guideline to their society as if a religion. This law must be followed and if broken will be punished and taken back to the house of pain as they always reiterate to themselves as they repeat the law together. There has been an incident that has occurred that concerns Montgomery and Moreau since one of the laws were broken as Montegmory and Prendick encountered a dead rabbit that was mauled and still fresh. The Law was “Not to eat Flesh nor Fish; that is the Law. Are we not Men?” Moreau is the enforcer and overseer of the laws that keep order of the beast men and when he summons all the beast men to gather, he states that the Sayer of the law to say the words of the law, he stops at the one that was broken. He begins to ask, “Who is he?”, “Who breaks the law,” they responded “- goes back into the House of Pain.” Monreau has such a big factor on these beast men that not only are they timid in his presence but as he gets to the bottom of who is the one who broke one of his laws as the leopard man was the prime suspect, it’s stated,”Monreau looked into the eyes of the Leopard Man, and seemed to be dragging the very soul out of the creature.” This gives the reader the sense of ho almighty and powerful Monreau is seen by the beast men of the island. He is viewed as not just a master but as an idol or religious figure that they admire, are afraid of, and will follow his words as their guidance.