Category Archives: Create

Use this post for creative writing posts. These posts should feature a brief dialogue or story, followed by an explanation of how your post responds to the text in question.

Okonkwo Journal Entry (group 4)

i have had it up to here with those white men. Not only do they take me away and tortured me with whips and starve me. They make me seem less of a man now. Who are they to come to my clan and destroy all that was good in this great clan. They have come to ruin everything, they have corrupted the minds of many of the people of Umuofia, that including the person that i had once called my son. In the eyes of those white men Umuofia must be seen as weak. But now is the time to act. If the clan decides to avoid war with the white men than i shall take revenge myself. i have always known that these men in the clan are weak. Only I am the strongest of them all. Ive have said it once and ill say it again. If i do not do the job, the job will never be done. i shall wait and see what the meeting will be about tomorrow morning. But until then, i will wait with my armer and weapons to be ready to go into war or go alone myself.


I’ve decided to write this Journal Entry because as we get to the ending of the novel we start to see a lot more emotion coming from Okonkwo. We are able to see a lot more on what goes on in his mind. in the beginning of the book we were not sure what kind of man Okonkwo really was. But now that we get to this part of the novel we see that Okonkwo is very revengeful and likes to take action by his own had. He makes it seem like the clan will never be able to take control unless its with war. So during part 3 it seems like the Narrator does not restrict us from okonkwo’s mine and it seems like the narrator does not justify Okonkwo anymore as much as he did in the beginning of the novel.

A Better Way

” Why did Ikemefuna have to  die? What did he do to our gods to anger them so? I saw more twins abandoned in the Evil Forest, what did they do to deserve death? Our gods seem to favor us one moment then punish us the next, why did they decide to have my fathers gun explode and get us exiled for seven years from our home? These punishments seem extreme and without reason; but these strange men with their strange god say that our gods are false; theirs is the true god. They speak ill of our gods, they even built in the Evil Forest yet our gods seem powerless to punish them, I think I need to look into what these strange men are trying to tell us a little more.”

This is from the perspective of Nwoye, Okonkwo’s oldest son. He already has a strained relationship with his father, and throughout the story we get glances at that he also is troubled by some of the decisions that his community makes based on their beliefs. So I believe it was only natural for him to be interested in the god that the white man brings; especially because this god seems very merciful when compared to the cruel ones that condemned Ikemefuna to death. He is prepared to risk the wrath of his father because he sees hope in following a god that is prepared to forgive his followers, unlike the gods of his village.



Are We Alone?

As I walked towards the building which only continued to overwhelm me in size in which the architecture blew me away. As I entered the building, I noticed the Labyrinthine complexity structure the building had. The contours and proportions of the building seemed off to me but I dismissed it for a moment to marvel at the beautiful geometric symmetry some of the murals and sculptures contained. I have never seen anything like this, nor has any human ever capable of replicating what I was seeing. As I approached the light-debris filled echo chambers, both me and Danforth eyes gravitated towards the five-point we have been seeing. We started realizing that the connection to religion wasn’t the reasoning but something we didn’t want to believe. Upon inspecting the carvings, we realized the time frame in which the monstrous dead city lived in which man’s ancestors were merely primitive archaic mammals. It only meant one thing as both the thought left us frozen in time. We knew what we concluded would be hard to be taken seriously even with photographs that can only capture only an essence of what we encountered. We were not alone and I realized what must be stopped… the invasion of the Antarctic…..

The above monologue of Dyer simple shows his thought process as he is discovering the building and its insides which give him and his partner an insight to the date of the carvings of the sculpture and the city itself. The realization of the five-point not being associated with religion or any culture ideas leads him to believe in the far-fetched belief he shared of the aliens living long before the humans and how they functioned and lived as a society with the governmental and hunting process.

At the Mountains of Madness (Create Post Group 3)

As we approached this foreign land the peaks of these monstrous mountains could be seen from miles away. Their bases hidden within the clouds, we drew closer to what we thought was land. Waves could be heard crashing along the coast line. Ice from glaciers falling off in the distance sounded like explosions from an enemy above. We had no idea what we were in for. Upon arrival, we noticed pieces of one of the planes sent the night before, scattered along the ice bed. Curious to find its source we began walking up the hills. Eventually one of the camp grounds was found nearly pulverized by snow build up and torn walls. The wind from the storm seemed to have completely destroyed our men’s shelter. Further down the hills we discovered the bodies of the dogs. None of them survived. It was extremely difficult to keep our personal emotions out of this situation especially when I discovered the bodies of six imperfect monstrosities buried in snow graves. I couldn’t tell the men about this, they would freak out. Who would possibly take the time to arrange these dead men like this? What was their motive? Were we next? I fear the safety of the remaining men, but we couldn’t let this stop us. The expedition must push forward in the name of science.

Within pages 100-104, the scientist began exploring new land. They discovered giant mountains, and the death of the men who left the day before. They were caught in a storm which may possibly be the cause of the destruction of the camp, and equipment. However something seemed off when the bodies of six men were discovered.

Create; the dog-man

Dear Master Prendick:

I’m a faithful to you master ever since we met at the beach. I’m more than faithful, I’m your slave. I will take care of you while you sleep and I will watch your back from the horrible hyena- swine. Although most of my race are angry and are fools for believing that our master is dead. They believe that having a master is pain and torture, but not for me master. Having you as a master and having a Law is a blessing. You are a powerful master you can do anything you want. If you want to kill them all you can, because you are our master.
With love from the dog-man

While reading these chapters the question of why is the dog-man so faithful was brought to my attention. I believe the importance of the dog is how prendick wasn’t meant to be alone even from the beginning of the story. After dr Moreau and Montgomery die, he still have his faithful dog-man. In addition the reason this dog is so faithful is probably because based on reality dog the most faithful animal to men. Although the island had its beautiful view and a dog next to prendick it was like reality yet turning to the dark side of the dog still not being a regular dog and having the creature hyena swine hunting him.