Blog posts are low-stakes, informal opportunities to practice and receive feedback on your writing skills. They are an opportunity for you to wrestle with the readings, with classroom discussion, and with your own ideas. Similarly, comments are an opportunity to engage with class content, by replying to other students’ thoughts. Both blog posts and comments are required (see below for details). You’re free to post beyond the required number, of course.
Some ground rules:
-I expect to see utmost civility in all comments, and will take appropriate action if I see otherwise.
-I also expect to see the same care and attention to proofreading that you will bring to your papers. Note well – this isn’t a diary. Write professionally, and you’ll find yourself well prepared for the papers.
-Posts, on average, should be 300 words; comments, 100-150 words.
-You’re required to write 4 posts and 14 12 comments over the course of the semester.
-At the beginning of the semester, you’ll be divided into 6 blog groups. Each group is responsible for 4 posts, on dates listed on the schedule.
-When it’s your turn to post, select ONE of the Prompts for that week. Prompts will be attached to the Guided Reading Questions.
-The prompts are divided into 3 categories: Clue (explaining how a passage offers a clue to interpreting the text as a whole); Connect (drawing connections between the story and other stories, or between the story and real life situations); Create (creative writing prompt, accompanied by a brief explanation of your piece). By the end of the semester, you should have done at least one post in each category.
-Post your blog post by 5 pm the day before class, so that others can comment on your post. Make sure you pick the right Category for your post (Clue, Connect, Create)
–UPDATED 9/12: In addition to blog posts, you’re responsible for 12 comments for the whole semester, approx 1 per week of class (starting week 2). Comments should respond directly to points made in any given blog post. You can comment on either the Monday or Wednesday posts, but comments made after class on Wednesday won’t count. Keep track how many comments you’ve posted!
-On that note, comments are due by 10:00 am the morning of class. As mentioned above, comments posted after class on Wednesday will not count towards your grade.