Author Archives: Xiara Guzman

Things Fall Apart

While Okonkwo and Ikemefuna began to follow the group of elders down the forest I began to notice how constantly the forest setting is brought up in different stories. In Things Fall Apart they are all walking deeper into the woods to a certain destination, “The footway had now become narrow line in the heart of the forest” (59). Then all of a sudden tragic occurs, “As the man who had cleared his throat drew up and raised his machete, Okonkwo looked away” (61). The forest in these stories has been constantly a place of darkness where things unforgettable occur. For Okonkwo to look away a character who is suppose to be strong and fearless this actually beings to show a vulnerable side to him that us readers haven’t seen before. On another hand, Young Goodman Brown experience in the forest wasn’t as pleasant either. He notice after awhile that his wife was being apart of a evil ritual, while it was occurring he tried to regain her attention, “”Faith! Faith!” cried the husband. “Look up to heaven, and resist the Wicked One!”” (25). Both of these characters found their way into the forest that would later on haunt them and make them think of repeatedly. The forest overall has lean its way towards this secret mysteries place that only the ones who walk upon know what actually happens. Both Young Goodman Brown and Okonkwo have experience the devastation and tragedy that lingers inside the forest.

Clue The Island of Dr.Moreau

The theme of distinction between men and animal has been brought up throughout the story multiple time. Prendick sides with the fact that animals are animals no matter if you try to scientifically transform them into a human creation. While Montgomery thought are opposite and felt as if he can relate to these beast men. A snapshot that I look closely on said, “Every now and then I would come upon one or other running on toes and fingertips, and quite unable to recover the verticals attitude. They held things more clumsily; drinking by suction, feeding by gnawing, grew commoner everyday. I realized more keenly than ever what Moreau had told me about the “stubborn beast flesh.” they were reverting, and reverting very rapidly” (159). This snapshot offers a clue to my guiding question which is does this island hold a connection between itself and the “real world” outside of it? Now reading this I believe it does because these beast went back to their natural instincts of their animal side once they felt has if there were no higher power you could say to order them around. It’s just like us human now if it weren’t for beliefs or government or any of those things we would fall back to what we know best and that is survival. This is the point where it all comes back to where these beast just a failure from the start were they even worth putting in the effort to be seen as humans. I think yes with the way things were going before Dr.Moreau died they had all the rights to be seen as human because just as we got taught from right to wrong by laws they were doing the exact thing. We have more things in common with these beast then we thing we do.

Xiara Guzman Create

As Bobby Lee cleans up the mess The Misfit left for him he quickly asks “You seem as if killing that old lady wasn’t as fun like the other ones.” The Misfit looked at him with a sorrow face but quickly mask it. “She just brought up some old memories, crazy old lady shouldn’t have laid her fingers on me.” Bobby Lee looked at him with pity, “Forget about those parents of yours you have a new family people who understand you.” The Misfit looked at him with a mischievous smile remembering how he burned his family home down with both his parents inside. “Thank you Bobby Lee for that slight reminder of who I am.” He looked at him confused but shrugged it off as they both walked toward Hiram.
My question towards the end of the story was what happened to The Misfit that lead him from a well happy home to a mass murder? I created this piece by explaining that he became like this due to setting his home on fire with both of his parents inside. Concluding that he was lying about his father dying of a flu and it was really him who killed him, but doesn’t want anyone to know. Basically he found joy in killing and just continue doing it and that’s how he became The Misfit.

Blog post (connect) Xiara Guzman

In “Everyday Use” the author Alice Walker gets around the relationship that the mother has with both her daughter Maggie and Dee. Maggie is described in the text as “She has been like this chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet in shuffle”(2). Almost as if saying Maggie confidence wasn’t present and she was just a shy little girl. While on the other hand she goes on ranting about her older daughter, almost seeming like if it’s out of jealousy in some parts of the story. For instance when she say “Dee is lighter than maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure. She’s a women now, sometimes I forget”(2). Dee is look upon as the superstar from the rest of them throughout the story. This connects to how in life there would always be someone who is either different or is a rebel from the rules. Dee choose to leave the life she was living from and began to be different from how her mother and younger sister are. While Maggie is the complete opposite and followed the things her mother and grandma loved to do, like quilting. People get to choose the journey they want to, but sometimes some of us get accustom to the life we are already living. This could be a negative things because then people don’t get to explore different things that they might never experience. To be the Dee in the family could lead to the opportunities she was able to figure out about herself, like the kind of style she likes to wear. She was even able to read to her mother and sister, something that her mother wasn’t able to do. While reading this story I was wondering if I was the Dee or the Maggie in my family since I have seven siblings. I notice that I was sort of the Dee in the sense of exploring and finding myself. I’m the first of my siblings to actually consider college as a option in life instead of getting a “quick” job to have for the rest of my life. I was allowed to branch out and see different opportunities that I was offered while being in college that my sibling wouldn’t be able to have since they all picked the same route. Overall I’m able to say that in a couple of years I’ll be the odd one in the family since I wouldn’t be leaving as the rest check by check.