Author Archives: tenzinthayai

Clue in “Indian Camp” by Hemmingway

After reading and analyzing the short story “Indian Camp” by Hemingway. One of the most appealing element to me was Hemingway’s narrator style. The story centers around a point of view from young Nick who have never been to an Indian camp. The style of storytelling Hemingway tells us here is through third-person limited omniscient. For example, “Nick watched his father’s hands scrubbing each other with the soap” (17). Here, we have third-person limited omniscient point of view. we don’t get much point of view from the Nick’s perspective. If it’s a first-person point of view from Nick’s then the Author would write something like this, “I watched my father scrubbing his hands each other with the soap”. The style of Hemingway tells us this story is through a very limited perspective. I think the author does not want us to go through all the details of what’s happening next. Hemingway wants to tell the story through his way by using the third-person narration.

“Nick lay back with his father’s arm around him” (16). Hemingway starts out in the second paragraph by telling the story from narrator’s perspective other than nick. This gives us clear clue of how the story structures through nick’s point of view but in very limited way. The limited omniscient really makes this story tedious with not much detail. If Hemingway told this story from a Nick’s third person omniscient for example, “The sun was coming up over the hills. A bass jumped, making circle…he felt quite sure that he would never die” (19). Then Nick would detail how the sun came up from the hills, how the bass looked when it jumped from the water. There will be a lot of more details in the story that can make this story much more effective and comprehensive for the readers.