Author Archives: Chandrica Siewsankar

Earth Goddess Clue


One aspect of the story that seems to have been reoccurring so far is the mentioning of the earth Goddess and the beliefs they hold in their culture. In the previous chapters, the “week of peace” was mentioned and during that particular week they didn’t do anything, but drink “palm-wine.” Except for when Okonkwo beat his wife merciless, which was unheard of during that scared week because every other individual seems to fear the Goddess and holds a level of respect for such powerful being. This major theme of religion is revealed frequently because they believe that there is a higher power that is responsible for the control of their lives and the determinant of their success, whether it be in achievements or just having a good harvest season. I think Achebe’s purpose for doing so is to try to educate readers a bit about the culture and traditions of the Igbo tribe, as well as inform readers of how important they value higher beings that are believed to have a major impact on their lives. Their religion and belief of the Earth Goddess plays a great role because it has a lot to do with their way of living and survival. The Earth Goddess is important to them because being that they are an agricultural society, they rely heavily on their harvest so they do whatever is necessary in order to please the earth Goddess. According to Achebe, “The Feast of the New Yam was held every year before the harvest began, to honor the earth goddess and the ancestral spirits of the clan. New yams could not be eaten until some had first been offered to these powers.” By holding this tradition annually, they are believed to have a good harvest in the New Year. The people of the Igbo tribe have many beliefs that they believe determines their life and how they live and by doing what is necessary to please the Gods in order live a good life.

Monologue from Prendick perspective

(Prendick thoughts while on the brig that picked him up).

“After several months of being stranded on this wretched island, I’m finally headed back to mankind. I look to the sky, lost in deep thoughts of what will happen when I return back to civilization. What will things be like? Will my interaction will normal human beings be differently? I constantly wonder what changes have taken place since my time away and how differently will being around normal humans affect me. Will I ever be the same after seeing and experiencing the horrors of that island? Such questions puzzled me. I believe after witnessing such tragedies and horrific creatures, my view and outlook on life will be completely different. I won’t ever able to unseen that island and those grotesque creatures and what pain they have caused me upon my arrival to my departure on that island. Although I am ecstatic of getting far away from that island, my mind won’t let me leave happily because of the thoughts of living a normal life from here on forward.


This monologue from Prendick’s perspective offers more insight into one my guiding questions from chapter 19-22 because from reading those last few chapters, I wondered if Prendick’s life will ever be the same when he gets off that island. After witnessing all that he has, it had to leave some long term effects on him and his mind because he seen these creatures and their true animals instinct no matter how humanlike Moreau tried to make them. I didn’t think that Prendick will conform back to his original lifestyle because of the permanent mark these creatures have instilled upon him. And just as we learn at the end he finds it difficult to live his life normally because as Prendick stated, “I could not get away from the men; their voices came through the windows; into the streets to fight with my delusion…” He never were able to get his old life back, those creatures would haunt his mind where ever he goes.

Connect “Everyday Use”

Alice Walker’s, “Everyday Use” is a piece of literature that embodies varies literary elements such as, introduction, rising action, climax, falling action and style to help readers better comprehend the writing as a whole. Walker tells the story from the point of view of Mama, who is the mother of Dee and Maggie. The climax of Walker’s story is when Mama said, “when I looked at her like that something hit me in the top of my head and ran down to the soles of my feet. Just like when I’m in church and the spirit of God touches me and I get happy and shout”. Before I get into why Mama felt that way, let’s backtrack a bit. Dee returned home with the intent to only acquire some quilts that clearly has deep meaning for the family. The quilts are a symbol of their heritage and Dee wants to take the quilts that are supposedly meant for Maggie. Dee insults Mama and stated that Maggie shouldn’t be handed down the quilts because she “can’t appreciate these quilts!” The climax, which I stated before, is the emotional high point of the story because that’s when Mama realizes that Maggie was willing to give up the quilts to her sister, who has gotten everything before in life. Mama then feels for Maggie and tells Dee to take the other two quilts that wasn’t Maggie’s and leave. Mama gives the precious family heirloom to Maggie, despite Dee asking for them. A lot of people can relate to the Walker’s climax because most people have had a dramatic or suspenseful event in their life. One climatic moment I have had in my life is I was nearly hit by a car while crossing the street. I was leaving home after an argument with my mother and a few blocks away a car was speeding and it ran a red light. I was almost across the street when it came about a few feet from hitting me. It would have been fatal, but I thank God that it wasn’t my time. After that event I have had a different outlook on life. Life is short and you never know when it’s your time, so enjoy your time in this world and spend it with the ones you love. “And then the two of us sat there just enjoying, until it was time to go in the house and go to bed”. Walker ended the story with this quote and this connects to my experience because spending quality time with loved ones is extremely important because you will regret it if you don’t.